Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

DanilkaK9DoomWhat the Drem Doombringer level 112021-04-01 11:27:16
cynn_ouRage,永恒精灵Rage Mage,等级112021-04-01 11:05:59
callmeishmaelmaybeBrein the Cornac Arcane Blade level 82021-04-01 11:02:01
ProfantheusKaril,骷髅弓箭手,等级172021-04-01 10:42:40
RshwdrzKaril,骷髅弓箭手,等级172021-04-01 10:42:40
ZzNoahKaril,骷髅弓箭手,等级172021-04-01 10:42:40
nargoDango the Dwarf Annihilator level 202021-04-01 09:01:55
SalvaDango the Dwarf Annihilator level 202021-04-01 09:01:55
hotstreakddak the Shalore Skirmisher level 502021-04-01 07:13:51
BereaverShade the Cornac Doomed level 372021-04-01 06:59:11
Knightly399Elldelwi the Higher Paradox Mage level 392021-04-01 03:41:28
comconInsane_shalore the Shalore Temporal Warden level 22021-04-01 01:13:13
animazeroUltimate X the Ogre Sun Paladin level 32021-03-31 23:57:05
e-vilethe end of everything the Lich Necromancer level 42021-03-31 23:14:09
diezockersTimebender the Cornac Paradox Mage level 362021-03-31 23:13:44
J1@n9Evaiendeare the Shalore Temporal Warden level 402020-04-01 21:23:07
Namusan☆Namusan☆ the Higher Corruptor level 242020-04-01 19:43:19
NelesNeles the Dwarf Alchemist level 92020-04-01 15:57:06
LremusCoiai the Cornac Doomed level 122020-04-01 13:03:12
BlupiBaltika 9 the Ogre Writhing One level 142020-04-01 10:32:36
YuriDSDoranto the Cornac Solipsist level 172020-04-01 09:55:11
pinponEalgan the Cornac Solipsist level 202020-04-01 09:20:37
ArhontDrakosha the Thalore Wyrmic level 202020-04-01 01:36:56
HatebringerHasath, Dire Mage the Ghoul Archmage level 162020-04-01 01:25:54
SmurfocideCaarl Insane the Shalore Archmage level 502020-04-01 00:22:10