Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

LuggGlugg the Orc Annihilator level 152025-03-19 19:40:41
chriseggrollDrayon the Kruk Yeti Annihilator level 122025-03-15 00:30:11
BanishManySmullets[DV]DoinkBrain the Orc Corruptor level 142025-03-11 13:58:50
ayayeraaaa the Orc Sawbutcher level 142025-03-11 00:56:51
FarcitulPennu the Orc Gunslinger level 142025-03-10 21:07:43
MeztelenModded_Mez the Orc Berserker level 152025-03-07 15:19:32
lennygoldsawma balls the Whitehoof Sawbutcher level 122025-03-05 21:53:57
BufoBufoKrall the Orc Sawbutcher level 142025-03-05 21:37:12
347200916Malazilandil,兽人链锯屠夫,等级132025-03-02 08:55:47
expectlessAnn-chan the Orc Annihilator level 142025-03-01 16:46:58
tage29Umuz the Orc Gunslinger level 142025-02-22 16:23:28
kuioyCC,兽人格斗家,等级142025-02-14 14:46:29
tometo888 オーク ブッチャー レベル142025-02-12 16:49:09
zenavatharZenBrawls the Orc Brawler level 142025-02-10 08:36:49
Bibzuda7ANNIHILATION!!!! the Orc Annihilator level 22025-02-09 01:35:23
tangxuanxuansanapiq,兽人奥术大师,等级162025-02-06 09:59:37
psj999레벨 14 오크 톱 도살자 psj142025-02-01 07:07:48
baelzaronAngus the Whitehoof Sun Paladin level 122025-01-26 17:03:28
cecilz5Annialator the Orc Annihilator level 142025-01-25 09:57:40
ApaisaiZappa the Orc Archmage level 142025-01-20 02:02:39
esiaEilinanor the Kruk Yeti Sawbutcher level 122025-01-15 23:28:15
13902607425Branerestir,兽人鹞鹰刀贼,等级232025-01-13 22:03:42
psywombatsEmera the Whitehoof Archmage level 122025-01-13 16:53:09
1992734574Ehekatl,高等人类冒险家,等级502025-01-09 23:33:11
luka189Mi the Orc Gunslinger level 142025-01-08 20:46:46