Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

Sterbehilfe e.V.Madness the Hulk Berserker level 272021-02-23 00:39:56
MournRAGEArena the Higher Archer level 172020-11-04 23:22:05
LonerDFenrir the Shalore Rogue level 312020-09-11 02:27:46
ShigureiThe Radiant Dawn the Shalore Sun Paladin level 182020-08-18 19:58:22
xwdonTedwi the Krog Brawler level 162020-08-08 17:52:17
loftydonkeyArena2 the Hulk Reaver level 152020-06-30 01:01:18
minuspkmnulk2 the Hulk Adventurer level 232020-06-27 21:12:22
HenweeArenaCheevo the Yeek Wyrmic level 192020-05-18 11:21:05
isoprazerJo Drk the Cornac Wyrmic level 162020-05-09 23:04:15
KothogaMaximus Decimus Meridius the Ogre Adventurer level2019-09-09 10:39:33
kyalphaElvMageArena the Shalore Archmage level 162019-09-08 19:49:15
zexkahnFrost the Kruk Yeti Archmage level 212019-08-25 00:33:57
cmasterchiefarena the Hulk Berserker level 112019-08-03 18:08:07
MacnexMacnexArena the Hulk Berserker level 122019-07-30 09:26:10
freqfreq_arena the Hulk Adventurer level 182019-06-30 00:07:44
DragoderianFeast the Cornac Wyrmic level 392019-06-28 12:58:12
SuitcaseMadness Arena the Hulk Bulwark level 122019-05-31 16:15:24
YouShouldFeelGandolfini the Hulk Archmage level 112019-04-17 02:52:52
AFAKarenahulk the Hulk Adventurer level 122019-04-01 17:56:14
HypotherEnberia the Ogre Doombringer level 372019-03-22 22:32:14
oubeidongoubeidong_05 the Shalore Archmage level 152019-03-18 12:30:14
DivverHulkSmash the Hulk Adventurer level 122019-03-12 00:54:22
MoloMowChowBattle Royale the Orc Adventurer level 392019-03-06 00:42:07
Mick511Mike the Dwarf Brawler level 182019-02-21 00:28:53
CosDestroyer the Hulk Berserker level 122019-01-16 15:29:27