Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

TheSwarmLord1RUSH 1 the Superhuman Reaver level 382016-01-02 20:39:10
Nacht*GLUB* IMMA CARP the Doomelf Doombringer level 842015-12-31 22:52:31
Chief MSting the Ghoul Reaver level 702015-12-21 23:16:57
HellheartUTrench the Shalore Trench Strider level 1182015-12-19 03:31:25
tractorbeamYo the Superhuman Rogue level 822015-12-12 20:42:56
isaacssv552Xanatos the Xorn Hero level 412015-12-07 22:34:28
NiebelungOnyana the Shalore Reaver level 1632015-12-02 17:35:26
tomisgoFarmer Tom IV the Thalore Berserker level 1202015-12-01 10:56:02
tomisgotestFarmer Tom IV the Thalore Berserker level 1202015-12-01 10:56:02
DragethStuadhep the Superhuman Summoner level 2002015-11-30 22:02:05
yurusarenaiiCaius the Celestial Rogue level 2002015-11-21 17:15:31
maguskillerOran the Cornac Cursed level 982015-10-31 01:54:03
quincunxMeteoric Uniques the Shalore Adventurer level 1722015-10-26 02:46:56
LordQuoradShadow the Quorad_Sneak Shadowblade level 592015-10-17 20:38:23
The RevanchistAsethhi the Thalore Wyrmic level 672015-10-11 12:08:08
jetz0rSlippry the Shalore Deathknight level 1942015-09-27 12:28:45
babeufRunorak the Ogre Adventurer level 2002015-09-14 18:58:34
scr089Mizorah the Cornac Archmage level 2002015-09-04 21:28:09
dourworstGambit the Superhuman Adventurer level 1262015-08-02 15:39:48
LustrousRainbow Paradox the Cornac Doombringer level 2002015-07-18 21:41:05
harmlessSilky the Shadow Adventurer level 1862015-07-16 13:26:55
zjh19921Silitha the Skeleton Adventurer level 1372015-07-11 22:13:59
zjh1992Silitha the Skeleton Adventurer level 1372015-07-11 22:13:59
lprsti99Edrihi the Elkosh Anarchist level 2002015-07-11 19:30:52
TheDeathletterDeathLetter (II) the Wraith Necromancer level 492015-07-08 23:48:13