Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

nintyJohn the Superhuman Cursed level 2002015-07-04 00:50:16
DuskheartDarkness Incarnate the Skeleton Adventurer level 22015-06-23 10:51:07
pedro0801Vashta Nerada the Shadow Temporal Warden level 2002015-06-22 14:09:00
thrdeyeDaribaleria the Ogre Anorithil level 492015-06-07 19:20:19
cdiscipleStabbing Wench the Shalore Marauder level 1772015-06-03 13:21:18
Rapidcore43df the Thalore Wyrmic level 2002015-05-30 22:23:55
magicismylemurBritlanis the Superhuman Dualist level 2002015-05-27 13:53:43
Hippo-kunRocket Pants Adventurer the Xorn Hero level 2002015-05-06 10:47:56
frumplesurewhynotaaahhhh the Dark Faerie Forge Knight lev2015-04-30 07:49:04
PrisoneeriNorjakonna the Turtle Wyrmic level 1822015-04-01 15:09:54
BarhandarHettesin the Skeleton Forge Knight level 352015-03-22 00:12:53
zetdaiyl the Superhuman Shadowblade level 622015-03-11 23:27:22
culocreak the Thalore Forge Knight level 1172015-03-07 01:24:47
thaagiMY FIST SHINES WITH A the Shalore Adventurer level2015-03-06 21:02:34
OrangeflameLily the Shalore Adventurer level 422015-02-22 07:47:00
NethertribesSplint Deaddrop the Skeleton Fossil level 522015-02-18 02:32:49
blackout215Blackout the Thalore Doombringer level 472015-02-17 22:12:54
tokkunArcher the Skeleton Archer level 582015-02-16 12:47:45
fluzz0lol what the Superhuman Arcane Blade level 622015-02-13 14:20:35
cwoofhhBSK_00 the Superhuman Berserker level 482015-02-11 09:04:40
thephantom032Anirala the Thalore Bulwark level 502015-02-04 18:34:46