Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

MonkplayTe the Ogre Mindslayer level 612015-05-27 21:16:42
magicismylemurBritlanis the Superhuman Dualist level 1882015-05-26 17:51:36
cydexGrumorth the Shalore Adventurer level 702015-05-23 13:34:44
CD.WonderMokou the Dark Faerie Phoenix Knight level 842015-05-16 21:32:57
KintarRealDoombringer the Ogre Doombringer level 822015-05-15 20:33:55
smoofykinsJorl the Shalore Archmage level 942015-05-08 02:28:18
Hippo-kunRocket Pants Adventurer the Xorn Hero level 452015-05-05 18:23:10
rianashesRian the Skeleton Doombringer level 562015-05-05 15:28:50
nightmaresFull Meat the Shalore Alchemist level 472015-05-02 00:40:04
GhalenRobert the Dwarf Oozemancer level 862015-04-30 16:23:23
killjoy555drag the Superhuman Wyrmic level 612015-04-18 02:56:58
harmlessHarmless the Cornac Shadowblade level 512015-04-16 22:50:49
yyokomizoDariba the Shalore Commando level 342015-04-11 20:39:54
spwncmp3rRagnok the Superhuman Reaver level 452015-03-30 19:27:03
skythief921DSF the Halfling Marauder level 462015-03-24 16:05:48
BarhandarHettesin the Skeleton Forge Knight level 262015-03-21 22:04:29
gsugunanKrono the Superhuman Temporal Warden level 622015-03-18 19:52:19
ezericEnitaka the Gnome Adventurer level 882015-03-17 01:51:08
Original GanksterKyeals the Superhuman Berserker level 772015-03-15 13:33:50
AszarunZeric the Gnome Archmage level 642015-03-14 14:40:12
GandolfoAngelus the Thalore Hero level 442015-03-09 06:34:40
IAmPeaceManTryChaotic the Cornac Summoner level 522015-03-07 23:36:19
SpaceBallsNiarat the Shalore Forge Knight level 462015-03-07 22:45:00
nostretchFreya the Superhuman Berserker level 482015-03-04 11:36:18
jayseeseeXornwark the Xorn Bulwark level 772015-03-02 11:51:00