Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

RanimaRanima the Higher Berserker level 102015-12-03 16:42:17
GraewolfeGreyShield the Dwarf Bulwark level 102015-12-01 23:43:04
TillSpringAman the Cornac Archmage level 102015-11-29 02:27:42
naftungLbtegu the Halfling Rogue level 102015-11-27 16:39:42
SeWhy93SeWhy the Cornac Archmage level 102015-11-26 22:44:41
dizzy__Lyilami the Higher Archmage level 102015-11-24 19:03:12
yurusarenaiiYu the Yeek Alchemist level 102015-11-24 07:16:23
rang3rsEternal Darkness the Doomelf Necromancer level 102015-11-23 12:31:51
spazzmatticaIeninan the Superhuman Berserker level 102015-11-17 21:50:58
jtkoketsally the Celestial Adventurer level 102015-11-01 19:34:04
DeklavarXurathey the Celestial Adventurer level 102015-10-29 01:24:36
shadcorScbrin the Draconian Witch Doctor level 102015-10-16 01:31:36
glorygoresnightmareZerker the Dwarf Berserker level 102015-10-15 23:32:37
sazabisaZeklos the Ogre Adventurer level 102015-10-14 23:50:48
RyusajinOron the Homosuperior Bulwark level 102015-10-12 20:32:12
yyokomizoSenze the Yeek Heavy level 102015-10-12 01:18:19
zjh1992Valthi the Ogre Alchemist level 102015-10-11 11:54:17
zjh19921Valthi the Ogre Alchemist level 102015-10-11 11:54:17
nsrrWyrmina the Cornac Wyrmic level 102015-10-05 23:28:02
numbertasticWyrmina the Cornac Wyrmic level 102015-10-05 23:28:02
keevanWyrmina the Cornac Wyrmic level 102015-10-05 23:28:02
EinzbernUniquebern the Ogre Arcane Blade level 102015-09-30 05:01:38
bcsallerLeerz the Yeek Mindslayer level 102015-09-24 15:09:22
sayvenLeerz the Yeek Mindslayer level 102015-09-24 15:09:22
darkstar25Aura the Vampire Doombringer level 102015-09-23 18:16:01