Predator Class 0.1.0

Game Addon: 

Predator 0.1.0 - Changelog

1. Unseen Hunter renamed to Lonewolf
2. Stealh is replaced with the new Unseen Hunter, a Wil focused stealth tree. Use your willpower to forcibly remove yourself from the vision of your opponents!

    a. Right now they are just renamed talents, they will be re-worked and made cooler in the future.  Trust me!

3. Quickdraw renamed to Swift Hunter
4. Swift Hunters swap actually works.
5. Movespeed of Swift Hunter reduced from 10% per level to 7% per level. (They're quick, but they're no temporal warden).
6. Lonewolf is now a melee-oriented only tree.
7. Lonewolf requirements are now dex, not cun.
8. Flourish will no longer let you swing your bow around to intimidate opponents. Silly Predators!
9. Lonewolf / Swift Hunter has been replaced with Viscious Slashes
    a. Currently a clone of Dual Strike, with tweaked damages.  Initial strike is weaker since it is a quick slash of your offhand weapon, while the second blow is stronger as you plunge your blad into your foe with all your might. Yay for brutality.

10. Archery Training has been removed.
11. New Ranged Tree: Shadow Archer (Name will probably be replaced) a dex / wil based archery tree. This is a very early form of this tree and its mostly here to fill out the architecture of the class, talents will be vastly different in the comming builds of the class.
    a. Swift Hunter has been moved to the first talent of this tree.
    b. second is steady shot.
    c. third is flare.  I plan to replace the Blind with Daze.
    d. fourth is Crippling shot.  This is going to be enhanced to become the ultimate shot any archer has ever used before: THE KILL SHOT!!!

12. Dualweapon Training has been removed. I dont want to bloat this clas with too many trees.
    a. If the demand is large enough, I will put it back in.

1. Re-work talents of the new Unseen Hunter
2. Add more personalization to Lonewolf.
3. Icons, I know the abundance of ?'s floating around is ugly.
4. Figure out how to assign custom talents on birth. Game does not like it when I do that currently.
5. Greatly rework talent of Shadow Archer.
6. Further reduce the stat spread of the class. I plan to look into something like lethality but making both daggers AND bows use Cun in place of Str.