Verbose Enemies
Makes the monsters of Eyal somewhat more talkative...and prone to insulting you. Featuring taunts from Gaslamp Games' roguelike Dungeons of Dredmor! Also now featuring the EXTENSIVE taunt collection from the iconic Dredmor mod, Death By A Thousand Taunts. This mod was created by Deeborm, and is only included with their approval. Three cheers for Deeborm! Relive your dredmor adventures in the world of Eyal.
You can also add your own taunts! To do this create a file named verbose_user_defined_taunts.cfg and place it in your settings folder where it can be friends with all the other .cfg files. Inside this file put:
verbose_user_defined_taunts = {"I'm a taunt! ", "Your taunt here! ", "Taunts everywhere, taunts everywhere "}
except with your taunts. Just make sure they're all comma separated and in quotation marks. Additionally, due to something weird in how the the speech is displayed a small bit of the final character can sometimes be cut off. Add a space before the closing quotation mark to head this off. After that save it and enable custom taunts from the settings menu in-game!
All taunts (base Dredmor taunts, Deeborm's extended dredmor taunts, and custom taunts) can be toggled from the in-game settings, in the Misc tab.
Verbose Enemies forum discussion thread
Verbose Enemies on Steam's Workshop
See addon usage in the character's vault.
Name | Module Version Required | Released | File |
bugfix | 1.3.1 | 2015-06-19 21:16 |
tome-verbose-enemies.teaa |
Minor fix | 1.3.1 | 2015-06-15 07:15 |
tome-verbose-enemies.teaa |
Taunts everywhere! | 1.3.1 | 2015-06-15 06:22 |
tome-verbose-enemies.teaa |
Initial Release (Dredmor Edition) | 1.3.1 | 2015-04-12 02:50 |
tome-verbose-enemies.teaa |
My golem has become sentient...
So... I just finished clearing the old forest area with my alchemist, when suddenly my golem develops a mind of its own and starts insulting me. :D
You are a tiny, tiny potato
You are a tiny, tiny potato
Oh my God
Does this add insults like dungeons of dreadmor? Count me in.
it's literally that, yeah! I
it's literally that, yeah!
I really wanted this in so I bugged stunt to make it
I have to admit when I was
I have to admit when I was playing DoD regularly I often stopped to read if I saw a new insult.