YuiEzaky's blog

Remi Malek - lv50 Cornac Rogue

Remi Malek is a lv50 Cornac Rogue(always with maxed Cunning/Trapping).

 The seer loves Remi Malek, he steals the show, he did.
 Remi is a loner who wear full BLACK clothes and apparel to avoid people.
 Remi is also close to mastering the full activation of his facial musculature, which is how you see light.
 Remi has learned and practiced, he steals the audience.
 BLACK is heavy and dense, it contains all of the spectrums in it.
 Wear BLACK(full), get unwanted attention; the opposite of what Remi is: avoids people.

 We've also(some of us, seers) learned that in Maj'Eyal there are TIME TRAVELERS and TEMPORAL FIENDS.

         The seers are issuing a challenge:
 The seer must share, through virtual screen, an image;
 The image is of: "Remi Malek, lv50 Cornac Rogue has sacrificed himself at lv 1X of High Peak.".
 The seer MUST make this happen, in order to learn who Remi Malek is.
         Please, elevate.

Who is Remi Malek?
E, opa, pera aí! Deixa eu chegar junto.
E, cara, quem é você mesmo? Seers são capazed de observar a sua própria observação.
Então... quem é você?
 Por favor, me conte detalhadamente o que aconteceu com REMI MALEK LV50 CORNAC ROGUE(ALWAYS WITH MAXED CUNNING/TRAPPING) no nível 6 de Dreadfell, por favor, precisa saber.

E, cara, por que tu ta fingindo que é um ser humano?
Esse jogo é legal, mas não acredita muito não.

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