Over 3000 of donations!

In about eleven months of the donation system existence today we passed the mark of the 3000€ of donations!
There is also now a handful of recurring donators.

I just wanted to tell you how important this is to me, it shows to me that people think the game is good and they wish to see it go further. And it *will*!

Also, some of the money was donated back to Shockbolt who did (and is still doing) an amazing job with the tiles & graphics.

So to all the donators, a big thank you!
And to all the other players, also thank you for your kind words, ideas, code, ... this is also extremely important.

Soon 2011 will end and I can tell you, 2012 will see the first non-beta release!

We donators rock!

We donators rock!

Hell yeah we do! I'm *really*

Hell yeah we do! I'm *really* pleased to hear that Shockbolt is getting a share of the donations, money well-spent :D