The dangers of a new world

My level 45 Skeleton Shadowblade ( Roguelike ) had everything he needed to beat the game. With the first pride already defeated I decided to look for a clean amulet, as I managed to save the Jewel Master for the first time and wanted to try it out.
So I jumped into the exploration farportal to get more nice items and a white amulet, only to end up in a sandcave full of multihued dragons of all ages and liches.
After defeating the first drakes, I kept getting harassed by shadows, summoned by the liches. Dozens of shadows, arriving in packs every few turns, no matter where I tried to hide.
Survival still was possible, even with the shadows constant assault draining my ressources.
But then I tried to get rid of the first liches, without full stun resistance to protect me from the ice, I became lenient from my victories against the pride, the constant onslaught of the shadows and the lichs with powerful ice spells brought me down ( from outside my view due to a corner ).

And so ends another promising tale with a tragic end in the probably most dangerous exploration level possible.