FM says goodbye for now

Due to outside influences I am unable to spend much, if at all any time here for an extended period; most likely minimally a month, extending until about June. Do no worry, anything that could go wrong already has, so things can only improve for myself and my wife from this point forth.

My general contributions that I have plans for working on/am working on/are finished are thusly, put on hold. Here is a brief list of the projects I have currently and their status of completion:

Character Build Guides - 80% done [all but mindslayer, doomed, temporal warden, corrupters, summoners and reavers are 100% done, while these are at about 65% each]

The Order - This is my module using t-engine 4 and is currently not open to outside play, and unfortunately moving extremely slowly mostly due to my own incompetence. Weather this game will ever be released in even an alpha stage, remains to be seen.

Item Sets - I am the creator of Star and Moon, and the ideas of creating a 'pair' or 'set' out of them [with help from edge, Het, yufra, Zonk and ofcourse, DarkGod], and I have many other set ideas and plans in the works - however as these are generally more complex than Star/Moon or with unique/exotic abilities, they require much more code and much more testing [those of you that paid attention/were in the know may have noticed that the Star/Moon pairing went through more than 5 ... stages before they were finally deemed functioning].

Champion of the Arena Guide - I, being a very avid fan and beta tester for the Arena [thanks Het], have began writing a guide or short series of guides to the Arena mode itself, especially as it is so drastically different from the main campaign. This is one of my more recent projects however it is progressing very quickly. Depending on my available time, this might get published before my departure, however, do not expect as such.

Racial Talent Trees - This was something that was generally brought up and was kind of asked/forced upon me by several people and I attempted to deliver a general and sweeping lore filled tree for each race. With the lack of feedback from players and developers I feel that this may have been a wasted effort however I will, eventually, attempt to code the trees out completely and implement them myself.

Redesigning the weapons - Yesterday I took on the task to differentiate the various weapons in t4 as many are extremely similar to each other. In place, I have attempted to add in a sense of being and flavor to the core of the weapons themselves, adding in values to make each weapon be unique enough that picking the one with the highest damage value isn't always the 'best' choice, while not making the weapons too closed to be useful in very few situations.

- = The character build guides was one of my original projects that had some favor to the community, and had help grant me a title similar to " Keeper of the Tomes of TOME " ; and have unfortunately not been posted outside of 2 of them. The reasoning behind this is mostly due to the fact of how quickly the guides were getting obsolete - it would take me about a week to fully write a really good, in depth guide [more so than the 2 already posted, these guides have/had everything I could possibly think of] - however by the time I had it written and formatted to be posted - some change was announced or some such that pretty much made the guide not accurate anymore to the point that a rewrite would have been the best option. I will not abandon this project, but don't expect them until a full release or a damn near full release is out there. - =

- = Item Sets currently planned are a massive armor set using Head, Body, Hand, Feet that grant various powers based on which parts of the kit you have equipped, and is by far the most complicated thing I have attempted to code, in fact, the Body part can be found as Coltuur in the artifact/egos thread. I also have a Cloak & Dagger set planned, Greatmaul, Hand, Cloak set, Ring, Ring Amulet set, and a Sling & Shield set all planned and some partially coded - however these are taking a backseat while I am gone. - =

- = Champions of the Arena: A Guide for Tactical Play - is the Arena mode focused guide that I began to write about a month ago. As the mode is so drastically different than the main campaign in t4, while presenting a different array and kinds of challenges, along with forcing a different play style and generally different character growths, I thought a guide for the arena might be in order. Be a generalist guide, it is mostly a FAQ and Tips & Tricks style work with common play tips such as fighting as few at a time as you can and killing off the higher valued targets first [and telling you which those are at the various waves]. - =

- = Racial Talent Trees was one of the major changes/improvements I was looking forward to with contributing to the game, however with my general lack of understanding how t4 does math, and the lack of feedback on the trees themselves [other than screaming that 1 tree in particular people think is overpowered or stupidly underpowered {Cornac}] I was greatly disheartened at the lack of further development that was brought to them. I still really think that having racial trees will, in the end, benefit t4 in many ways, however as people seem generally content without them currently, this is clearly a dead project - =

- = Redesigning the weapons is, at this time, complete outside of making certain weapon only egos; and as such, will be sent to DG soon. Depending on the feedback of these changes, I will continue on and definitely finish this project before my absence. - =

Thanks to all the good people here and the friends I have made while I have been here - I will be back, but I will miss you guys, the community, while I am away.



I dunno your personal circumstances, but thank you so much for your efforts in the community! Looking forward to your speedy return! :-)

Though I think guides are useful, as you said, the game is changing much too rapidly at the moment to make them worth while. But with a release candidate these things can definitely add a huge amount of value for noobs like me.

Racial talent trees... I love the concept, and I do think that they'll add a lot of richness to the game.

I love the arena... Got to lvl 20 once. But it is so hard, and is vastly different from the "real" game. I still want to try a fighter, because armor helps a LOT.

Artifact sets are something that adds a great deal of richness to the game. Hope it gets more focus later...

See you!

Godspeed man, hope everything goes well for you, and see you soon!


Anyone heard from FM in the past year or so? How is he doing nowadays?

He was on IRC a couple of

He was on IRC a couple of weeks ago. Seemed to be in good spirits.