A long dream come true... now what?

After many months wanting to get it, i've finally unlocked the Sher'tul fortress for my own. Many farportals await me, I hope =)

But I still have a question... is the fortress unlockable account-wide or per character?

you cannot simply enter the

you cannot simply enter the fortress now in every new game, you have to defeat the weirdling beast everytime.

Still, one advantage is present ...

... and that advantage is that if you received the Transmogrification Chest from the Butler, each and every one of your next characters will start the game with it - making item micromanagement and autopickup a much less daunting task.
In those next games, however, the chest will not send energy to the Fortress until you conquer it.

Too bad that...

I've already got the Transmog Chest from Bill, and too sad that I have to do that everytime. That boss is a pain in da ass.

Still, I loved the fortress, can't wait to use more of the farportal.