Shadows Darkness the skeletal mage thief (beta19)


Probability Travel

shadow combat
Dual Weapon Defense
Shadow feed - for magic regen
Momentum - to stack with Shadow Combat
Burr sight
phantasmal shield
Rest of shadow magic
not lag at level20
no anti-magic
unlock yeek
get temporal warden again
Daikia dungeon

First time I have seen the boss in the

blighted ruins. Killed the half finished

bone giant a lot easier that the eternal

bone giant that DragonBones fought.

I want expecting the assassins to slay the merchant, oh well, no shop for me. Still I survived that quest at level 8.

level 10 was enough to enter the hafling ruins, once in the rest of the time i could 1v1 and phase door to victory. Yeek unlock successful.

Found a nice vault in dreadfell at level 11, fighting level 20-34.

Been looking for gems and rings/amulets to make some jewelry to buff my stats, no lock so far. But I have found a lot of amulets increasing chronomancy skills that my temporal warden does not have. Not sure what that is about.

Found a sun Paladin on level 4 of dreadfell, not going any deeper in it now I don't want to lode any of the escort buffs.

Got a healer escort quest on level 2 of Daikia, he ran between 2 snow giants with predictable results.
The lag is getting to me again and there is a new patch out so I think I will retire this char before he dies.
Some of the goals were reached. I had some impressive defense except for bosses and anything ranged.
I wonder if shadowstep teleports you but I never had enough cunning. I never tried probability travel because I didn't have enough mana and momentum was to expensive to leave on.
I was running out of slots to watch the cooldown on my abilities.
Shadow combat was really cool when I first had it and most of me damage came from that but now is is in a similar rage to one of the buffs on a weapon.

here is the final result