
David Gervais tiles mod v 1.2 for Tome4 Beta18

This new release of my Gervais tiles mod is compliant with beta 18 and includes most the monsters tiles. Here is the progress state so far:

- Monsters: 80% (encounters, horrors, some xorn and uniques are not done)
- Objects: 90% (nothing more since last release)
- Terrain and other stuff not done

Please let me know if you find some mistake or have some ideas about tiles.

Howto install:
Unzip the file and extract the "data" folder to your "t-engine4-windows-1.0.0beta18\game\modules\tome" folder.

Beware that some regular files will be deleted and replaced. If you want to come back to the previous state of Tome4 beta18, install Tome4 beta18 back in the same directory.


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