Exile class

Exile class

Contains a new mage cass with talents from the Archmage and Necromancer class.

See addon usage in the character's vault.
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Name Module Version Required Released File
Exile Mage v1 1.4.2 2016-01-28 06:37

Really liking the class, but...

First off, really liking the class as this is pretty much exactly what I've been wanting to play for some time - a lich that doesn't use minions. However, some of the skills in the skill trees are more or less useless without minions; while some like Rigor Mortis have a place even without minions, there are three in particular that seems nonfunctional: Will o' the Wisp, Shadow Tunnel and Undeath Link. I get that this was supposed to be a simple mod that just added together some trees, but it'd be really lovely to have those skills replaced with something that is if not good then at least useful. E.g. Will o' the Wisp > Stone Skin.

Also, I noticed that the class has every skill at 1.3 except necrosis and survival, perhaps the non-standard education merits a slight malus at some of the skills? Like Stone & Storm to 1.1 or something. Or maybe ditching Meta as a category but spreading out those skills in place of the nonfunctional ones. Just an idea, don't know how good.

Thanks again for the class :)