Glutton Additions

Glutton Additions

Adds to glutton class, reorders class generics, and mods glutton talents. Requires orcs dlc for new steam resource. Requires Glutton mod

Glutton Additions forum discussion thread
Glutton Additions on Steam's Workshop
See addon usage in the character's vault.
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Suggestions and Questions

I prefer longer digestion because you lose hunger longer/keep full longer
Suggestion: Please add a option that lets you toggle your changes to the cooldown of digestion.

Secondary Digest Suggestion:
It would be cool if digesting an enemy had a similar effect as item consumption instead of only using it to learn skills, like while a enemy is digested you gain a % of it's stats until finished or maybe just one stat or all of it's stats or greater access to it's skills/abilities until finished digesting at which point you lose them. (and then learn the one skill like normal) A permanent or chance of permanent boost in a stat from eating bosses/unique monsters would be cool too.

Devour would be nicer if it gave some other bonuses or a extra bonus for finishing off enemies with it.

Suggestion: I know other skills give HP/Resource drain later on but it would help increase early survivability adding a resource drain/replenish to devour or on last hits for devour.

Excrete is pretty useless and does the same thing consume does but without any benefit.

Suggestion: Make excreted creature re-appear as A ally/summoned creature for standard 5-7 turns or depend on current digestion cooldown count. Alternative make excrete a ranged attack or layable trap that does damage based on creatures size category/ect.

The item consumption techniques are under powered and may need to last longer/give more, eating artifacts seems a bit under powered/anti climatic.

Suggestion: Boost the amount you get from artifacts/ Items and boost the duration of the item boost.
(Items) Add a low chance to gain permanent stats off items based off of the different color quality types or make unique items give perm stats too?
(Artifacts) Make it so you gain 1 randomly bonus that the item actually gives?
Items/Artifacts that have skills/abilities that they grant you while wearing them, have the player gain permanently by eating them.

yup with my changes it is benefition to have long digestion

the defualt buff still has you getting hungry with digestion but i made it so even without the class talent as long as you digesting hunger will decrease and as for making stuff optional well thats easy enough if you can convert the stuff to a hook table thing and have conditionals added in. And maybe I could make a ability that can be used like digestion but has a longer duration. Excrete is different in that it takes no turns at all to use and is instant basically I think the author made it to throw away stuff you dont want to take a turn consuming (consume takes a turn). Need some way to sort though your "stomach" of consumed creatures so that you can save em for rations later. On the perm stat thing it was like that before but it was way to overpowered so that's a no. Do you mean like granting a heal or something if you digest someone that might be to powerful and giving some temp resources is hard to code (if want it granting regen of resources it has to be of stuff that the creature had and not equil, hate, or time stability). Excrete has a use so changing it is out as long has it lets you trash the creature out without using any energy. As for item consumption i want to make it later on grant a small health and give you resource regen for the duration instead (i don't like the current power buffing part at all). Consume artifect I already have plans for I just dont know how to code it. There is already a way to use the creatures as a summon so that is useless and that would take a turn. That thing about granting item skills would be way to OP. I think the better idea is healing half or a but bit more of you health on consuming the artifact, grant you extra resource regen and a small amount of power based on the power type that is capped based on the rank (and saving it for later).

This mod just crashes my game

This mod just crashes my game after I click new game, don't even get to the character creation screen.
I have the newest version of the game and all the DLC and I have the newest release of the glutton class.
But I do have like 50+ addons installed. adding this one just crashes my game though.

thats rather odd

I use this mod myself when I use the glutton class and it does not cause it to crash its possible that you might have the to many mods in your mod folder.
BTW was their any error if you have one post it and I'll try to guess the issue.

I just recreated my glutton fine

I was able to remake my glutton find with this mod active and I looked at you mods active on your latest glutton. Its possible that you have 101 files in the mod folder by the time that you activate glutton additions. (hitting the file limit of stuff in direct directory of the addons folder will prevent any games from loading and stop char gen). I also see some mods in you mod list that might conflict with each other specifically Lichform Limitbreak 1.4.5 might conflict with necromancy compatibility since both modify the lichdom ability.

I just recreated my glutton fine

I was able to remake my glutton find with this mod active and I looked at you mods active on your latest glutton. Its possible that you have 101 files in the mod folder by the time that you activate glutton additions. (hitting the file limit of stuff in direct directory of the addons folder will prevent any games from loading and stop char gen). I also see some mods in you mod list that might conflict with each other specifically Lichform Limitbreak 1.4.5 might conflict with necromancy compatibility since both modify the lichdom ability.

The Lichform Limit break

The Lichform Limit break addon was indeed the problem. Thank you. I've had mods conflict every now and then, I've never reached a limit. I usually keep whichever one i like best at that point.

if your any good with lua you can help me on the mod

Some of the stuff I'm having issues implementing if you want you can help me with some of the stuff like figuring out how to cap the max stats you can get for absorbing artifacts (btw you can absorb randarts too) and make it give you a half health for absorbing so that their is always a use in it (ei save your butt in emergency).