Use Item Shortcuts
Adds some additional entries to the inventory's use-item dialog to more conveniently apply some talents to items in inventory. Current added entries are:
- "Extract gem", to apply Extract Gems to a metal weapon or armor
- "Convert to alchemist gems", to apply Create Alchemist Gems to a gem
- "Extract energy from gem", to apply Matter is Energy to a gem.
- "Grasp telekinetically", to apply Telekinetic Grasp to a weapon or gem
- "Use as sentry", to apply Cursed Sentry to a weapon
In addition, if you have turned off the "Object & Creature links" chat message filter under Game Options, the "Link item in chat" entry is removed from the dialog.
(new in v3) Also adds game option "[ZOmnibus] | Allow object actions in stores", which will allow some item actions (like tagging) to be performed on items in your inventory from within the store dialog.
Also available as part of the ZOmnibus Addon Pack and ZOmnibus Lite.
Use Item Shortcuts forum discussion thread
Use Item Shortcuts on Steam's Workshop
See addon usage in the character's vault.
(3 votes)
Name | Module Version Required | Released | File |
Use Item Shortcuts v3 | 1.7.0 | 2024-10-29 03:34 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2m | 1.7.0 | 2024-01-14 05:38 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2l.1 | 1.7.0 | 2020-10-31 01:02 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2k.1 | 1.4.0 | 2016-12-18 18:25 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2k | 1.4.0 | 2016-01-26 01:35 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2j | 1.3.0 | 2015-05-21 04:18 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2i | 1.3.0 | 2015-03-18 04:13 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2h | 1.2.0 | 2014-10-24 02:43 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2g (redux) | 1.2.0 | 2014-07-17 20:13 |
tome-use_item.teaa |
Use Item Shortcuts v2g | 1.2.0 | 2014-06-04 04:28 |
tome-use_item.teaa |