- Magic 12
- Talent Armour Training
Powered by arcane forces
3.00 Encumbrance.
Type: armor / head ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Armour: +8
Defense: +4 (+2 eff.)
Fatigue: +6%
Damage (Melee): 15 physical bleed
Changes stats: +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun
Changes resistances: +10% darkness
Talent mastery: +0.20 Race / Whitehooves
Increases your maximum stacks of Death Momentum by 1.
You always thought his horns looked kind of stupid, to be honest.
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- Dexterity 24
- Talent Shoot
- Talent Steam Pool
Powered by steamtech
4.00 Encumbrance.
Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 2
Accuracy bonus: +0.1% dam / acc
Armour Penetration: +10
Attack speed: 100%
Firing range: +8
Travel speed: +600%
Damage (Ranged): +15 physical
Attacks use: 2.0 Steam
When wielded/worn:
Accuracy: +5 (+2 eff.)
Physical crit. chance: +4.0%
Changes stats: +2 Con
Talent granted: +3 Ceasefire
It's said that Talosis never lost an argument. Now you know why.
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- Willpower 15
- Dexterity 20
- Talent Shoot
- Talent Steam Pool
Infused by psionic forces
Powered by steamtech
4.00 Encumbrance.
Type: weapon / steamgun ; tier 3
Mastery: Steamgun Mastery
Accuracy bonus: +0.1% dam / acc
Armour Penetration: +5
Attack speed: 100%
Dam. multiplier: 90%
Firing range: +7
Travel speed: +600%
Attacks use: 2.0 Steam
When wielded/worn:
Talents cooldown: Boiling Shot (-1 turn) Vacuum Shot (-1 turn) Blunt Shot (-1 turn)
Mindpower: +10 (+5 eff.)
Mental crit. chance: +2%
Mental speed: +10%
Steampower: +5 (+1 eff.)
Steamtech Speed: +10%
This gun is engraved with a strange material which focuses mental powers.
It seems like your mind will operate even faster with this equipped.
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- Level 25
Powered by arcane forces
0.00 Encumbrance.
Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Physical power: +12 (+3 eff.)
Changes stats: +6 Mag / +6 Con
Changes damage: +6% lightning / +6% physical / +18% darkness / +6% fire / +6% cold / +6% acid
Spellpower: +12 (+5 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
Physical power: +12 (+3 eff.)
Changes stats: +6 Mag / +6 Con
Changes damage: +6% lightning / +6% physical / +18% darkness / +6% fire / +6% cold / +6% acid
Spellpower: +12 (+5 eff.)
Talent on hit(spell): Necrotic Breath (12% chance level 2).
This cracked gemstone fell from the remains of the dead Ureslak. It appears to have been turned into a vibrant crystal in whatever process reanimated him.
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- Level 25
Powered by steamtech
2.00 Encumbrance.
Type: armor / cloak ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Physical power: +5 (+1 eff.)
Defense: +10 (+3 eff.)
Changes stats: +6 Cun
Physical save: +10 (+2 eff.)
Has a 50% chance each turn to slash an adjacent enemy for 323 physical damage (based on Cunning), making them bleed.
This cloak seems to incorporate a series of blades attached to various spring mechanisms. Apparently the designer believed that the best defense was an active one.
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- Level 35
Infused by nature
Crafted by a master
1.00 Encumbrance.
[Random Unique]
Type: armor / belt ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
Physical power: +15 (+2 eff.)
Changes stats: +6 Str / +6 Dex / +6 Cun / +6 Con / +10 Lck
Changes resistances penetration: +20% physical
Trap disarming bonus: +27
Stealth bonus: +9
Physical save: +35 (+9 eff.)
Life regen: +3.60
Stamina each turn: +0.60
Mana each turn: +0.12
Only die when reaching: -40.00 life
Maximum vim: +30.00
Infravision radius: +6
Healing mod.: +30%
Size category: +1
A belt that goes around your waist.
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