- Strength 20
Infused by nature
Infused by arcane disrupting forces
9.00 Encumbrance.
Type: armor / light ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Armour: +6
Defense: +8 (+8 eff.)
Ranged Defense: +4 (+4 eff.)
Fatigue: +8%
Changes stats: +3 Wil / +4 Con
Changes resistances: +20% nature / +25% arcane
Talent mastery: +0.20 Wild-gift / Antimagic
Spell save: +18 (+9 eff.)
Stun/Freeze immunity: +25%
Life regen: +1.00
Healing mod.: +20%
Worn by Protector Ardon, who first formed the Ziguranth during the mage wars between the Humans and the Halflings. This armour is infused with the powers of nature, and protected against the disruptive forces of magic.
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- Strength 16
Crafted by a master
3.00 Encumbrance.
Type: weapon / battleaxe ; tier 2
It must be held with both hands.
Base power: 28.5 - 42.8
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type: Physical
Mastery: Weapons Mastery
Accuracy bonus: +0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration: +2
Crit. chance: +5.0%
Attack speed: 100%
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances: +1% physical
Spell save: +18 (+9 eff.)
Stun/Freeze immunity: +10%
Only die when reaching: -60.00 life
Massive two-handed battleaxes.
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- Shield usage training
- Strength 37
Crafted by a master
7.00 Encumbrance.
Type: armor / shield ; tier 3
Learn shield attack talent or enable 'Always show shield combat' to see combat stats.
When wielded/worn:
Armour: +18
Armour Hardiness: +20%
Defense: +20 (+10 eff.)
Ranged Defense: +10 (+5 eff.)
Fatigue: +30%
Talent granted: +1 Block
This shield made of the darkest stralite is huge, heavy and very solid.
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- Heavy armour training
Infused by nature
Crafted by a master
1.50 Encumbrance.
[Random Unique]
Type: armor / hands ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance: +11.0%
Armour: +3
Fatigue: +5%
Damage (Melee): 8 cold
Changes stats: +3 Str / +3 Dex / +8 Cun
Changes resistances: +8% cold
Changes damage: +9% cold
Talent cooldown: Double Strike (-1 turn)
Critical mult.: +9.00%
Physical save: +10 (+2 eff.)
Mental save: +9 (+3 eff.)
Maximum psi: +10.00
Spell crit. chance: +13%
Mental crit. chance: +15%
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
Metal gloves protecting the hands up to the middle of the lower arm.
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- Magic 24
Powered by arcane forces
5.00 Encumbrance.
Type: weapon / staff ; tier 3
It must be held with both hands.
Base power: 20.0 - 24.0
Uses stat: 150% Mag
Damage type: Blight
Mastery: Staff Mastery
Accuracy bonus: +2.0% proc dam (max 200%)
Armour Penetration: +4
Attack speed: 100%
When wielded/worn:
Changes damage: +20% acid / +20% cold / +20% darkness / +20% blight
Talent masteries: +0.10 Corruption / Bone +0.10 Spell / Nightfall +0.10 Spell / Master of flesh +0.10 Spell / Necrosis +0.10 Spell / Master necromancer +0.10 Spell / Master of bones
Talent granted: +1 Command Staff
Spellpower: +20 (+10 eff.)
Spell crit. chance: +15%
It seems willing and able to talk to you (use Command Staff).
A staff made out of the bones of fallen foes. Disgustingly powerful.
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- Strength 20
Infused by nature
Infused by psionic forces
9.00 Encumbrance.
[Random Unique]
Type: armor / light ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
Armour: +13
Defense: +32 (+8 eff.)
Fatigue: +8%
Changes stats: +4 Cun / +7 Wil
Changes resistances: +54% blight / +42% darkness
Changes resistances penetration: +10% darkness
Changes damage: +18% darkness
Critical mult.: +10.00%
Mental save: +23 (+11 eff.)
Light radius: +4
A suit of armour made of leather.
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- Level 25
Infused by psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.
Type: armor / head ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Defense: +2 (+2 eff.)
Damage (Melee): 30 % chance of gloom effects
Changes resistances: +20% fire
Changes damage: +10% darkness / +10% physical
Talent mastery: +0.20 Cursed / Punishments
Mental save: -10 (-5 eff.)
Hate when firing a critical mind attack: +2.00
Hate per kill: +2.00
Maximum hate: +20.00
Spellpower: +10 (+3 eff.)
Mindpower: +15 (+8 eff.)
Mental crit. chance: +10%
Healing mod.: -10%
Talent on hit(spell): Agony (10% chance level 2).
Talent on hit(mindpower): Hateful Whisper (10% chance level 2).
This black hat once belonged to a powerful mage named Malslek, in the Age of Dusk, who was known to deal with beings from other planes. In particular, he dealt with many powerful demons, until one of them, tired of his affairs, betrayed him and stole his power. In his rage, Malslek set fire to his own tower in an attempt to kill the demon. This charred hat is all that remained in the ruins.
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- Level 15
Powered by arcane forces
0.00 Encumbrance.
Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats: +5 Mag / +5 Con
Changes damage: +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold
Talent mastery: +0.20 Golem / Arcane
Casts lasers on spellcast when worn or imbued.
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats: +5 Mag / +5 Con
Changes damage: +10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold
Talent mastery: +0.20 Golem / Arcane
Latent Damage Type: Lightning
Talent on hit(spell): Eye Beam (10% chance level 2).
This cracked gemstone looks faded with age. It appears to have once been the eye of a golem.
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- Level 15
2.00 Encumbrance.
Type: misc / tool ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats: +8 Cun
Changes resistances: +15% lightning
Changes damage: +15% lightning
Physical save: +18 (+6 eff.)
This strange device appears to be entirely mechanical in nature, but you cannot understand how any of the components are supposed to work. There does appear to be some sort of metallic grid in its side which sometimes emits strange noises.
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T2 totem charm
While equipped:
Stats +8 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.pwr +10 (+2 eff.)
Dmg.mod +12% mind
Convince all non arcane users in radius 10 to turn on their spellcasting friends for 6 turns (chance increases with your Mindpower).
Uses 25 power out of 25/25
During the Age of Dusk a rash of anti-magic activities took place in the Nargol Kingdom immediately after the Spellblaze. Citizens would turn on those with magical powers, burning them alive on stakes of wood. When the authorities found the perpetrators they executed them and planted their heads on stakes throughout their capital city.
Despite this however, the citizenry continued to burn alive the enemies of nature. Unbeknownst to the authorities, the heads of the dead perpetrators continued to spread their message long after their deaths.
This stake of wood appears to one of those used to prop up one of the executed heads. It has seemingly absorbed the will of the head it propped up, and holding it you can hear the Ziguranth's message echo through your mind.
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T5 heavy armor
Reqs Heavy armour training
Str 38
Kroltar's head would turn up the heat.
While equipped:
Stats +5 Str +3 Dex +4 Con
----- def -----
Armour +18
Defense +10 (+5 eff.)
Fatigue +16%
Resists +20% acid +20% blight
+20% fire
+20% nature
+20% lightning
Max.HP +120.00
Devouring Flame:
Level 3.9
Pwr.cost 50 out of 80/80.
Range 10
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
a nature gift
Description: Spit a cloud of flames, doing 62.94 fire damage in a radius of 4 each turn for 8 turns.
The flames will ignore the caster, and will drain 10% of the damage dealt as the flames consume enemies life force and transfer it to the user.
The damage will increase with your Mindpower, and can critical.
Each point in fire drake talents also increases your fire resistance by 1%.
A heavy shirt of scale mail constructed from the remains of Kroltar, whose armour was like tenfold shields.
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T3 head armor
While equipped:
Stats +6 Cun +8 Wil
dps ----------
Mind.pwr +16 (+5 eff.)
----- def -----
Defense +8 (+3 eff.)
Fear- +60%
---------- misc
+0.20 Cursed/Fears
Instill Fear:
Level 2.0
Pwr.cost 18 out of 45/45.
Range 8
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a mind power
Description: Instill fear in your foes within 2 radius of a target location dealing 21.23 mind and 21.70 darkness damage and causing one of 4 possible fears that last for 8 turns.
The targets can save vs your Mindpower to resist the effect.
Fear effects improve with your Mindpower.
Possible fears are:
Paranoid: Gives the target an 18% chance to physically attack a nearby creature, friend or foe. If hit, their target will be afflicted with Paranoia as well.
Despair: Reduces mind resist, mindsave, armour and defence by 17.
Terrified: Deals 4.79 mind and 4.90 darkness damage per turn and increases cooldowns by 27%.
Haunted: Causes the target to suffer 8.40 mind and 8.58 darkness damage for each detrimental mental effect every turn.
This mask appears to be carved out of the skull of a creature that never should have existed, malformed and distorted. You shiver as you look upon it, and its hollow eye sockets seem to stare back into you.
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T3 hands armor
This would be great with a mighty matching belt.
While equipped:
Stats +4 Str
----- def -----
Armour +2
Resists +10% lightning
+10% cold
Max.HP +60.00
Knockbk- +50%
Learn an unarmed attack talent or enable 'Always show glove combat' to see combat stats.
Throw Boulder:
Level 2.0
Pwr.cost 6 out of 6/6.
Range 10
Travel.spd instantaneous
Is a nature gift
Description: Throw a huge boulder, dealing 81.22 physical damage and knocking targets back 5 tiles within radius 1.
The damage will increase with your Strength.
Two large pieces of leather designed to be wrapped about the hands and the forearms. This particular pair of wraps has been enchanted, imparting the wearer with great strength.
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T1 belt armor
Some giant wraps would make you feel great.
While equipped:
----- def -----
Armour +4
Fatigue -10%
Max.HP +40.00
Knockbk- +40%
---------- misc
Max.enc +70
This girdle is enchanted with mighty wards against expanding girth. Whatever the source of its wondrous strength, it will prove of great aid in the transport of awkward burdens.
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