User:FacesOfMu/Advanced Summoner

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Original Class


Key Differences

  • Summoning Melee
    • War Hound
    • Jelly
      • Damage to jelly has a % chance to create a duplicate Jelly with health equal to damage dealt. Doesn't count to summon limit and damage to any Jelly still reduces Summoner's equillibrium.
      • Swallow provides regen effect to Jelly of target's max health over X turns
    • Minotaur
    • Stone Golem
      • Has Burrow ability (good for taking control of)
      • Detonate causes dig on radius 1 walls
  • Summoning Distance
    • Ritch Flamespitter
      • can use flying to move into position to bypass allies with ranged attacks
    • Hydra
      • Has a three headed attack, attacking up to 3 different, adjacent foes
    • Rimebark
      • Winter's Fury no longer friendly fires
    • Fire Drake
      • On Hydra hatchling death, resets own cooldowns
  • Summoning Utility
    • Turtle
    • Spider
      • Can use webs to move into position to bypass allies with ranged attacks
      • Spit Poison talent deals X damage each turn over 3 turns (increasing 1 turn per talent point). No cooldown and targeting chooses new target not affected by spider's poison.
  • Rage resets target summon's cooldowns
  • Meditation provides same bonuses, without damage penalty, but as an activated talent with X effect duration

Talent Categories

Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Wild-Gift Summoning (melee) 1.3 No War Hound Jelly Minotaur Stone Golem
Wild-Gift Summoning (distance) 1.3 No Ritch Flamespitter Hydra Rimebark Fire Drake
Wild-Gift Summoning (utility) 1.3 No Turtle Spider Frantic Summoning Summon Control
Wild-Gift Summoning (advanced) 1.3 Yes Master Summoner Grand Arrival Nature's Cycle Wild Summon
Wild-Gift Summoning (augmentation) 1.3 Yes Rage Detonate Resilience Phase Summon
Wild-Gift Summoning (Self-Serving) 1.3 Yes Neglect Pocket Summoning Obstructions Carapace
Wild-Gift Summoning (Union) 1.3 Yes Ravenous Horde Lick Wounds Back Up Connection
Type Name Mastery Locked Talents
Cunning Survival 1.0 No Heightened Senses Device Mastery Track Danger Sense
Techniques Combat Training 1.0 No Thick Skin Armour Training Combat Accuracy Weapons Mastery
Wild-Gift Call of the Wild 1.2 No Meditation Nature's Touch Earth's Eyes Nature's Balance
Wild-Gift Harmony 1.1 Yes Waters of Life Elemental Harmony One with Nature Healing Nexus
Wild-Gift Mindstar Mastery 1.1 Yes Psiblades Thorn Grab Leaves Tide Nature's Equilibrium

Summoning (Self-Serving) (Category)

Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Self-Serving)
Category Summoning (Self-Serving)
Use Mode Activated
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Allow your summons to suffer expedient decay to restore equillibrium. Deal X% of each summon's max life to reduce your equillibrium. May kill summons!

Pocket Summoning
Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Self-Serving)
Category Summoning (Self-Serving)
Use Mode Sustained
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description De-phase your summons to put them away until needed. When activated all your summons disappear into statis. When deactivated, they are all restored to combat. The de-phasing removes X detrimental effects and extends their summon duration by Y turns, but restoring your summons to combat doesn't trigger Grand Arrival.

Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Self-Serving)
Category Summoning (Self-Serving)
Use Mode Activated
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description For X turns, foes treat your summons like targetable walls. Foes can't see or target through your summons.

Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Self-Serving)
Category Summoning (Self-Serving)
Use Mode Sustained
Range 6
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Let your summons take your punishments. Any time you take more than X% max life in a single attack, the damage is increased by Y% and then evenly distributed to your Ritch, Spider, Turtle, and Rimebark summons.

Summoning (Union) (Category)

Ravenous Horde
Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Union)
Category Summoning (Union)
Use Mode Activated
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description For X turns the next attack for you and your summons will heal Y% of the damage as health. If multiple targets are attacked, the heal is only for the largest damage dealt.

Lick Wounds
Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Union)
Category Summoning (Union)
Use Mode Activated
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description You and each summon cures themselves of X detrimental physical effects. At Level 3 includes mental effects. At Level 5, and unused cures are given to adjacent allies.

Back Up
Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Union)
Category Summoning (Union)
Use Mode Activated
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Mark a path between you and target ally. Allies take no time to move on those tiles for X turns. Each ally standing on these tiles gains Y defense for each other ally on the tiles.

Spacetime tuning.png
Game Version 1.4.5
Category Type Summoning (Union)
Category Summoning (Union)
Use Mode Activated
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Make a powerful mental connection with an ally, causing X mainhand mindstar damage to all foes between you. At Level 3 the attack is a cone towards the ally. At Level 5 the ally echoes the connection, dealing your offhand mindstar damage in a reverse cone from your ally to you.