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Metarace Angel
Locked No
Life Rating 10
Exp Penalty +10%
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity -5
Constitution -5
Magic +5
Willpower +5
Cunning 0
Luck +5

Amanitae, "destroying angels," are embodiments of destruction in Mej'Eyal. Like the Wraiths, they seem to arise spontaneously in reaction to unknown conditions, wreak havoc, and move on. Like the Wraiths, their bodies are more spiritual than physical and thus they have resistance to purely physical damage. Because of this, they have trouble interacting with physical objects properly, resulting in clumsiness.

Angel of Destruction
Golem power.png
Game Version -
Category Type Angel
Category Amanitae
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description You are fundamentally a visitor to this plane of existence, not a corporeal being. The laws of physics struggle to deal with your presence. You have trouble manipulating objects, and resist being affected by others.

Increases your physical damage resistance by 5–75gtl :variable%. Decreases your global action speed by 10% per level.

Embodiment of Wrath
Body of fire.png
Game Version -
Category Type Angel
Category Amanitae
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description For each 100 damage your HP are below maximum, you increase your damage 10–100gtl :variable%.



Note: Drem have since been added to the game. This take will be left here for historical purposes.

Metarace Dwarf
Locked No
Life Rating 12
Exp Penalty +10%
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity -5
Constitution +5
Magic -5
Willpower -5
Cunning 0
Luck +5

Unlike their more established cousins the Dwarves, the Dremlings appear to be nomadic, having no set home. While Dremlings can pass for Dwarves in terms of height, weight, body build, and most physical features, where a Dwarf's face should be, a Dremling's face is a smooth and featureless blob of white. This is deeply unsettling to most civilized races, and rumors persist that the Dremlings are alternately Dwarves tainted by some magical experiment gone wrong, an attempt by extradimensional aliens to create imitation Dwarves, or something stranger still. Since the origins of the Dwarves are unclear to other races, the truth is likely known only to a few among the Dremlings and Dwarves themselves.

Like their more normal cousins, Dremlings possess the Resilience of the Dwarves which allows them to increase their armour, physical and spell saves for a few turns.

Dremlings are weaker in both mind and body than common Dwarves, but are even sturdier.

Racial Talents

Resilience of the Dwarves
Dwarf resilience.png
Game Version -
Category Type Race
Category Dremling
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 45–25cTL:8
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Call upon the legendary resilience of the Dwarven race to increase your Armor by 7–25cSS:Con, and your Spell and Physical saves by 12–30cSS:Con,0.75P for 8 turns.

Game Version -
Category Type Race
Category Dremling
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Dwarf skin is a complex structure, it can automatically react to physical blows to harden itself.

When you are hit in melee, you have a 15% chance to increase your Armour total by 6–30cTS for 5 turns.

Stone Body
Bone armour.png
Game Version -
Category Type Race
Category Dremling
Requirements Level (16,17,18,19,20)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 30
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Dremlings have affinity to blight and darkness, and are resistant to physical force, though they are unused to the harsh light of the sun.

Flower of Eyal
Halfling luck.png
Game Version -
Category Type Race
Category Dremling
Requirements Level (24,25,26,27,28)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 47–35cTL:20
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Dwarves are noted for their connection to stone and earth, and the Dremlings must possess something of the same, for in times of need they draw upon Eyal. For the next 2–6.1cTL:10 turns, all active talents will be used without resource cost.

Races of the Dead

Barrow Wights

Barrow Wights
Metarace Undead
Locked No
Life Rating 10
Exp Penalty +10%
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity +5
Constitution 0
Magic 0
Willpower +5
Cunning 0
Luck +5

Wights are not created by necromancers specifically, but instead rise of their own volition, animated by the land itself. When a particular land has seen enough bloodshed - battlefields, forest, crypts and graveyards - wights can be seen to rise en masse, a near-physical representation of the battles and turmoil the land has faced.

Those who have had encounters with barrow wights speak of incorporeal creatures that lurk in the hills.

Racial Talents

Barrow wights are immune to poison, disease, pinning, and stuns. They have 50% resistance to confusion and slow.

Undead are unnatural creatures and may not use infusions or be any Wilder classes. They do not gain the Harmony talent tree from eating the Heart of the Sandworm Queen, but they may consume a corrupted heart to gain the Vile Life talent tree.

Ghost Walk
Ghost walk.png
Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Spell
Category Spectre
Requirements Lvl (0,1,2,3,4) Mag (12,14,16,18,20)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 12 Mana
Range 5–9cTS:0.5P,0,1
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Spell
Description Taking on a spectral form, you teleport to the target tile within range 5–9cTS:0.5P,0,1.

For 3 turns after using this spell, you gain the ability to instantly teleport back to your original tile as long as you are within range of it.

Thermal Strike
Thermal strike.png
Game Version -
Category Type Psionic
Category Augmented Striking
Requirements Level (4,5,6,7,8) Willpower (20,22,24,26,28)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 10 Psi
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 8
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Focus thermal energy and strike an enemy for 50–200%cTWD weapon damage as cold.

A burst of cold will then engulf them, doing an extra %0.1f Cold damage and also freeze them for [20]200cTMD turns.

If the attack freezes a pinned creature a burst of ice is summoned, circling the caster and the creature with a wall of ice for 3 turns.

The cold burst damage will scale with your Mindpower.

Forest Wights

Forest Wights
Metarace Undead
Locked No
Life Rating 12
Exp Penalty +15%
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution +5
Magic 0
Willpower +5
Cunning 0
Luck +5

Wights are not created by necromancers specifically, but instead rise of their own volition, animated by the land itself. When a particular land has seen enough bloodshed - battlefields, forest, crypts and graveyards - wights can be seen to rise en masse, a near-physical representation of the battles and turmoil the land has faced.

Those who have had encounters with forest wights often describe them as spirits of the forest.

Racial Talents

Silence of the Glade
Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category High Wights
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 20 psi
Range 4
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Emit a wave of psionic energy that silences all those affected in a radius, including the user. The silence chance will increase with your Mindpower.

At level 5 the Wight gains Silence immunity.

Game Version 1.7.4
Category Type Celestial
Category Light
Requirements Lvl (12,13,14,15,16) Mag (36,38,40,42,44)
Use Mode Activated
Cost Gain 20 Positive
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 30
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Spell
Description Places you under the protection of a ray of sunlight. For 3–7cTS turns, the light removes a single negative effect from you every turn.

High Wights

High Wights
Metarace Undead
Locked No
Life Rating 12
Exp Penalty +30%
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution 0
Magic 0
Willpower +5
Cunning 0
Luck +5

High Wights are not created by necromancers specifically, but instead rise of their own volition, animated by the land itself. When a particular land has seen enough bloodshed - battlefields, forest, crypts and graveyards - wights can be seen to rise en masse, a near-physical representation of the battles and turmoil the land has faced.

Those who have had encounters with wights often describe them as indistinct skeletal figures, wrapped in flowing cloaks that become faded and incorporeal at their edges, while strange lights dance where their eyes should remain. Survivors tell of a peculiar sense of exhaustion when in close proximity to them, as though merely being close to these figments of death causes one's life force to sputter and fade. Regardless of this and their ghostly appearance however, it has been recorded that steel and strength of arms is yet enough to destroy them, or at least to erase them for the time being.

Racial Talents

High wights are immune to poison and disease. They have 50% resistance to confusion and slow.

Undead are unnatural creatures and may not use infusions or be any Wilder classes. They do not gain the Harmony talent tree from eating the Heart of the Sandworm Queen, but they may consume a corrupted heart to gain the Vile Life talent tree.

High Wight
Golem power.png
Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category High Wights
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Though you arise naturally, you are not part of the natural order of things. Supernatural toughness is your birthright.

Upon mastering the use of your undead body, you gain insight into the application of mental forces to strengthen your form.

  • Note: prior to TOME version 1.7.4 High Wights gained Absorption, not Feedback. This was changed to make them less dependent on Willpower.
  • This benefit is greater if you spend a category point to improve mastery before maxing it out.

Elemental Body
Body of fire.png
Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category High Wights
Requirements Level (4,5,6,7,8)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Your connection to Eyal results in you gaining some affinity for the elements.

Upon mastering your elemental body, you gain the ability to transcend distance with the power of your mind.

  • This benefit is greater if you spend a category point to improve mastery before maxing it out.

Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category High Wights
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12)
Use Mode Activated
Cost 20 psi
Range 4
Cooldown 10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Emit a wave of psionic energy that silences all those affected in a radius, including the user. The silence chance increases with Mindpower.

At level 5 the Wight gains Silence immunity.

Will of Eyal
Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category High Wights
Requirements Level (12,13,14,15,16)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown -
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Backed by the Will of Eyal, the wight gains a bonus to Mindpower and Spellpower, scaling with Constitution.

At level 5, the Wight gains Stun immunity.

Death Knights

A custom race add-on for TE4, meant to offer users a different playstyle and a different take on the main story.

Death Knights
Metarace Undead
Locked No
Life Rating 12
Exp Penalty +50%
Stat Modifiers
Strength 0
Dexterity 0
Constitution +5
Magic +4
Willpower 0
Cunning 0
Luck 0


Perhaps you were mortal once - long, long ago. But that time has passed out of all reckoning. Your service to a higher power was devoted and faithful, and when the veil of mortality parted for you, you were returned from the other side. Powerful and implacable, you traveled the seas of reality at the behest of your patron - She who granted you Eternity. Worlds burned in your wake. However, due to an unforeseen conjunction - or perhaps due to taking the favor of your mistress for granted - you have been stranded in this strange world, stripped of most of your might.

As undead, Death Knights have access to a wide range of immunities:

  • Poison immunity
  • Bleeding immunity
  • Fear immunity
  • No need to breathe

The spirit of the death knight has been summoned using the medium of a local corpse, but fundamentally, Death Knights do not belong in Eyal. Their very natures clash with the fabric of reality, making it hard for anything to affect them and making it hard for them to act upon other things.

Note: Undead are unnatural creatures and may not use infusions or be any Wilder classes. They do not gain the Harmony talent tree from eating the Heart of the Sandworm Queen, but they may consume a corrupted heart to gain the Vile Life talent tree.

Racial Talents

Deathknights (category)

Death Knight
Golem power.png
Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category Deathknights
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Your very substance and spirit are alien to this world. The laws of physics struggle to deal with your presence. You have trouble affecting this world, and being affected by it.

Increases your physical damage resistance by 5–75gtl :variable%. Decreases your global action speed by 10% per level.

Avatar of Death
Cold flames.png
Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category Deathknights
Requirements Level (4,5,6,7,8)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 100
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed -
Description Death comes for all beings - and, as a Death Knight, you hasten this process. Your gaze executes an already injured enemy and consumes its soul.

Eventually, upon as you master the use of these souls, you may pass for a denizen of this world.

Sacrifice is the Way
Body of fire.png
Game Version -
Category Type Undead
Category Deathknights
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Death is power, and none know this better than you. As you kill creatures in this reality you mark them as sacrifices to your patron, slowly reestablishing your solidity.

Increases hit points based on the amount of enemies you have slain. Every (100, 90, 75, 50, 20) victims grants you +1 max hp, to a maximum of 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 hp. Note: this is meant to reference the number of kills stat trackable under achievements, and thus it will be retroactive.