Te4.org background

Please tell me I'm not the only one who's noticed, It's driving me absolutely crazy!

In short scroll up and look at the top left/right corners. You will see an image that shows...
turtle people? (they have shells) admiring a storm. I think some of them have tales (see what I did there?) and I can't help but to wonder if they will be a new race added into ToME.

Or maybe (most likely) a random fantasy image on a website that I'm looking way to far into xD


I change my mind those are definitely potatoes wearing armour and wielding weapons. Maybe the light they're staring at is the sky as they're about to be pulled out of the ground?

They are from Eyal :)

They are from Eyal :)

Those are the Sher'Tul. Read

Those are the Sher'Tul. Read your in-game lore!