BDay 28Jan in Beta19
the start was unexpectedly difficult.
Rushed to get an Icy Skin and never looked back. first level trippled my armor.
Aiming for anti magic
Labrinth was a sleepy way to level up. nothing could penetrate my armor. But they did die from hitting it.
After antimagic I maxxed my resolve against it
Looking for something more difficult founf the hafling ruins.
That was fun, found all the notes.
Then there was an eternal bone giant in a locked room and we couldnt kill each other.
Ice claw was the major attack at this stage but he was immune.
Saved the Yeek but asked about how lonely he was, so I didnt to know it was an unlock.
went dragon hunting, but that was scarry.
Saved some lumberjacks.
Bekame a berzerker but using knives
Rescued a singer whe taught me the Hymn of preservence.
Went back to the eternal bone giant and killed him twice, used up all my wands, ran away again.
Went back to hunting drakes, found a portal an jumped in.
Cleared out the area of time elementals.
Ran around clockwise...
Checked the forums...
Ran around anticlockwise then found the mam exit.
The rest of this quest was really fun and a little challenging.
Found out that the portal was not the end of the drake dungeon, going back.
Decided that I dont deserve an unmarked grave this time and began an obituary. This one...
level 18, wondering if i can take a snapshot of my charachter sheet.
Plenty of armor, enough to make me arrogant and get killed.
practically no damage output, espissialy when fighting cold drakes... again
4th journey to level 4 of Daikia, meybe I will find that there is a level 5?
Also found out today that the reason shops will not buy from me is patch 19, I thought it was because they were racist towards skelletons.
Also starting to lag out again like Anoikis did in Dreadfell.
Yay the boss was on the next level, pity he died on a mountain and I cannot reach the loot
YTay, 6 pickaxes in my backpack to chose from.
Hmm, seems I still have not killed the bos in Daikia. the stone dude must have been a bonus. Herre we go again, for the 5th time. Gave up again, this time due to lag.
actually that is getting past 3 seconds per keystroke, time for a different game I think.
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Nice, first level back was a sun paladin who I was able to save. now I can chant and sing.
Wow I can hold my breath for a long time.
Whops,arrogance killed me again. There was nothing in the old forest that could hurt me. Then the horrors under the lake owned my last life.
RIP Dragon Bones