
Thoughts on corruptors

Well after losing several characters and lives to elven blood mages and orc corruptors I figured it was time to try one (or a few as is the case). The first thing I found out was that willpower was useless. Despite the fact that their primary stats are Magic and Will, it more along the lines of Magic and Con. beginning game was the most annoying part to date. At that level the character has one way to gain Vim (blood sacrifice) and it only gives you 20-30 at early level and 20-30 is 1-2 spells (maybe three weak ones). blood sacrifice also has a 25 turn cool down so fights involve lots of running. Once drain is available this isn't so bad.
corruptors can hit really hard as most characters that have reached the far east have found out. They are generally better with bolt spells but they can do a respectable amount of AOE with the blood tree. The biggest problem is crowd control but I believe the curse and hex tree fills that role (also diseases) but I have not invested in them.
The blood tree is the best tree for corruptors. blood spray is a large cone attack that has a high chance on infecting the targets with disease. The really great thing about blood spray is at talent level 5 it has range 11. since LOS has been reduced to 10 it is now possible to fire outside you LOS. If you also have boots of speed you can do this almost indefinitely (this is how I killed the master).

I ramble more later about this as I get to the far east

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