Game Statistics: Achievement

Players that achieved it

hunterxyzAlpha the Whitehoof Annihilator level 502020-01-17 22:50:13
MendorasKro'ls the Orc Archmage level 502020-01-13 17:17:45
a139752846zcz the Lich Sawbutcher level 502019-12-25 10:34:57
sehnsuchtDIE the Whitehoof Anorithil level 462019-12-03 23:34:08
EschaberruAnna the KrukHigher White Monk level 772019-11-27 15:00:56
repli:^) the Whitehoof Adventurer level 462019-10-17 23:55:31
lordbladeThrug the Orc Sawbutcher level 502019-08-19 19:20:33
kokosango.and.get.them the Whitehoof Archmage level 502018-12-13 06:56:09
zeromk2STONE the Kruk Dwarf Adventurer level 1322017-12-01 17:41:01
mindlessEl Pachio the Whitehoof Gunslinger level 502017-09-22 17:31:06
Dr. ShrugsPreppy the Orc Possessor level 502017-07-25 18:51:46
stfN1337Bethyratira the Orc Bulwark level 502017-05-06 09:51:52
mr_apfelkuchenGorgon the Orc Archmage level 502017-01-30 17:11:16
Almstyget out the Whitehoof Sawbutcher level 502017-01-14 00:41:56
D.M.Zingan the Whitehoof Psyshot level 502016-12-08 17:02:27
TSEDAdath the Orc Adventurer level 502016-11-03 09:27:23
SpatvarkBetorawe the Orc Gunslinger level 502016-09-28 22:28:37
jaketwo91oeormr the Orc Marauder level 502016-09-25 12:34:39
XzilarEoR the Orc Sawbutcher level 502016-07-08 11:59:53
AbseilDagronGutrippa the Orc Berserker level 452016-06-26 03:16:05
Hikikomoriorc ember the Orc Bulwark level 502016-05-19 13:57:06
EtryKoronathBlackhoof the Whitehoof Adventurer level 502016-03-09 12:48:34
Deathrolldeath46 the Kruk Yeti Brawler level 502016-03-02 16:48:35
LokarinBoot the Orc Berserker level 502016-02-24 22:44:51
OvErMiNdOrcblade the Orc Arcane Blade level 502016-02-24 20:29:47