Adjustable Levelup
Allows modification of gains for stats, resources, experience gain, category points, and prodigy points. If you would like to be able to modify other values post them in the comments.
UPDATE: I've added the ability to modify stat and level maximums. I have also added the ability to customize which levels stats, talents, talent types, and prodigies are gained at. This allows for alternative leveling schemes such as gaining 2 class points on every even level and 2 generic points every odd level. For example, the max/milestone level could be set to 100, xp gain at 300, and all intervals doubled with alternating offsets for a faster early game, a slower late game, and increased potential for early game specialization.
NOTE: All options are accessed after loading a character through the game options window under a new Levelup tab. They will only appear for characters created after the addon is enabled.
UPDATE: I've added the ability to toggle unlearning of prodigies and stats. I've also reworked some of the internals to improve compatibility with future changes.
Adjustable Levelup forum discussion thread
See addon usage in the character's vault.
Name | Module Version Required | Released | File |
Fixed adventurer. | 1.5.10 | 2019-03-02 23:12 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Fixed Category Unlearning | 1.5.10 | 2019-02-03 02:49 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Bugfix | 1.5.10 | 2019-02-01 18:15 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Unlearnable Stats and Compatability | 1.5.10 | 2019-01-28 04:07 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Improved Compat | 1.5.5 | 2017-12-25 00:50 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Redundant Sanity Check | 1.4.9 | 2017-12-23 11:13 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Better Stat Max Fix. | 1.4.9 | 2017-01-27 19:17 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Fixed max stats. | 1.4.9 | 2017-01-27 07:35 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Life/Resource Intervals Added | 1.4.9 | 2017-01-22 05:55 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
Major Overhaul | 1.4.9 | 2017-01-22 05:34 |
tome-more_adjustable_level_points.teaa |
State of the Addon
For anyone still interested in this addon, for most part, I haven't encountered any problems with it (I'm playing 1.7.6). There is one bug, however, namely, the Orc Headgear unlock will not occur due, if my casual perusal of the code is correct, to the new LevelUp function this addon has. If one hasn't unlocked said cosmetic, I'd suggest doing that first before using this addon.
EDIT: As an addendum, the new LevelUp function this addon has also unfortunately breaks the restock by level system the Maj'Eyal campaign has.
Is this one still supported?
Just wondering if its compatible with latest patch
Post 50 points
Is there a way to make it so that you get less talent/generic/stat points past level 50? For example, making it so that past level 50 you only get 1 talent every other, and 1 generic every other, and only 1 stat point per level.
If so, how? If not, can it be added? :)
Please add this to the Steam Workshop
Makes organizing addons so much easier.
does not work in Infinite Dungeon
It does not give level up bonuses in Infinite Dungeon (no extra stat points, talent points, etc). Only initial character creation bonuses.
Missing skills (Stone Warden/Drem)
It seems that for some reason, I can't access the Stone Warden class skills as adventurer even though I'm playing Drem from Forbidden Cults dlc.
Drem is supposed to have access to Stone Warden Skills like Dwarves as adventurers in vanilla game.
Also, Combat Training should be unlocked by default for all adventurers.
Re: Missing Skills
Huh, didn't realize Stone Wardens were on Adventurers now. It's been fixed and I'll upload the new version. (CT is probably also a new thing, I added that as well.)
Also, Sustains don't seem to
Also, Sustains don't seem to adjust to new resource caps set in Level Up menu, only old ones.
Re: Sustains
I'm not sure what you mean, could you provide more detail?
If I choose to adjust
If I choose to adjust Resource gain on level up menu, then turn on sustains, my sustains will eliminate the new bonus resource cap from level ups, and instead revert to normal resource caps.
Specific Example. I have 100 negative energy cap from Anorithil skills. if I turn on Hymm sustain, my new Negative Energy cap becomes really low, like 5 negative energy, when sustain should only take 40 negative energy.
This seems to happen with all sustains. Turning off sustains returns the Bonus Resources gained from levelup.
Also, adding Bonus Life on level up seems to also affect Boss/Rare enemies that spawn (at least on Madness difficulty), giving everyone bloated HP values, not just player.
Re: If I Choose To Adjust
Thanks for additional info on the sustains, I think I've found the problem. I should have a fix up soonish.
The additional life for enemies is working as designed, the levelup settings don't just affect the player. They are meant to allow easy tweaking of the game's level progression, which includes the progression of many enemies.
1.5.10 update
Hello, thank you for this great addon. I was wondering if you were going to update it for the 1.5.10 patch? I think there's currently some compatibility issues with using this addon on the current patch.
RE: 1.5.10 Update
I just tested the addon on a fresh install of 1.5.10 without issue. I don't have time to play TOME extensively right now, so I may have missed something. However, I can't make any changes without knowing what the compatibility issues are. Could you provide more detail? Are you sure it isn't an issue with another addon?
Wouldn't mind an update
Wouldn't mind an update myself.
Doesn't work. The menu shows
Doesn't work. The menu shows up but doesn't actually change anything.
Re: Non-Fuctional Menu
I just installed 1.5.10 and tested this addon on a fresh character. It seems to work fine, experience, talent, and stat changes take immediate effect. Was there a more specific problem?
How to use?
I downloaded the addon and its active, but how do i change values?
How to use
In a character that has been created AFTER this addon was installed, under 'game options' there will be a new tab with the settings for this mod.
Sorry for double-comment. By the way, I downloaded this addon on steam. If I want to get it here, should I download all 13 files here or just the latest one?
Re: Oops
Just the latest.
when the character gets an additional life. Can I modify that?
Re: Life
I don't quite follow. Do you mean HP or revives? Both should be possible via the config menu. The former uses the various "life" fields while the latter uses the "permadeath lives" field.
when the character gets an additional life. Can I modify that?
Adventurer Problems
I'm reasonably certain this mod is causing an issue with Adventurers. Specifically, the don't get any category points on birth. I don't know why this is occurring and I haven't found a way around it yet but, oh well. Just giving you a heads-up.
Re: Adventurer Problems
There is a config option for starting adventurer categories. Are you sure you haven't changed it?
Getting error on nil variable after 1.5
I keep getting this error since 1.5. Only happens on the overworld map but it's frequent and annoying.
Lua error, superload/mod/class/Actor.lua:115: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'prodigy_total' (a nil value)
I tried to fix it myself by inserting
if not self.prodigy_total then self.prodigy_total = 0 end
before the affected line, but then I get an invalid hash error. Can you look into sanity checking that variable?
I think it's a conflict on my end. Its only happening on one character, so I think I'm just going to disable it on that char and move on. The sanity check above wouldn't hurt, though. It fixed my problem, tho it invalidated the hash.
Re: Sanity Check
I actually do have a sanity check to make sure the prodigy total gets set. I'm guessing something another addon somehow interfered with this. I'm not sure how that would happen since the sanity check is superloaded and an overload should either have no effect or wipe the changes to levelup.
I've copied the sanity check into levelup just in case, but I have no idea if it will actually solve anything.
Slight issue, the mod
Slight issue, the mod actually messes with stuff even if you don't change anything from the default settings.
Without mod on:
With mod on:
As seen through the Talent Point Planner addon.
I've uploaded a fix. The issue was with the level 50 rewards, which had the wrong amounts. I've also fixed a potential issue when leveling beyond 50.
Tried the new version, can
Tried the new version, can confirm it works as it should. Thanks for the prompt fix.
Though in my last comment, I forgot to mention another bug, it looks like this addon messes with the Talent Point Planner addon. What's outlined is what the planner addon usually shows, the yellow/green numbers being how much you plan to invest into those skills. Those numbers don't show up if your addon is active. Not a big deal, but it's a bug so I figured I'd point it out.
Talent Planner Fix
This should be solvable by loading talent planner after ALU. Talent planner adds new things to generateList while keeping the old things the same. ALU modifies the original generateList to allow for customizable stat maximums.
Ah, alright then, sorry.
Ah, alright then, sorry.
Permission Needed
I think I can safely include the relevant code in my superload to make it work, but I would need (or at least want, I haven't checked their license) permission from the talent planner addon maker.
something may be wrong?
So the add-on does show the options in the menu, but doesn't take effect. It might be an add-on conflict, but I am not seeing anything obvious.
Edit: The experience bonus works, but the rest doesn't. That doesn't say a lot, but now you know where to look?
Not working
All categories work for me. Either there is a bug that doesn't show up with my set up or you have an addon conflict. I use this with about 40 other add ons (I have way to many) and it works so I'm not sure what could be causing it. Try turning on dev mode, creating a test character, setting all the modifiers to 2 and turning on semi god mode. Then see if you are gaining the points correctly. Also I've never tested this on a game started without the addon so that could be the problem.
If it still doesn't work could you tell me what addons you use?
Edit: Also, the bonuses aren't retroactive so if you change the options partway through a game it will only effect level gained after the change.
Edit2: I suspect another addon is superloading levelup() in actor.lua. The xp boost is through worthExp(target) while the others are through levelup(). If an addon superloads levelup() but not worthExp(target) it would explain your problem. I could try boosting the addon's weight to give priority to its superload of levelup(). Please say which addons you have so I can look into it.
so many addons
It must have been an addon conflict. I changed some and it's working fine now
If another addon changes onStatChange (from actor.lua) it will cause some settings to have reduced effect.