The Sher'tul wiped out all the gods. All the gods of Eyal in any case, and only the ones that mattered, and not the ones that escapes, and some of them left fragments, and even then there are so many excpetions. Your are a minor god, either from beyond Eyal, or missed by the purge. Beneath the notice of the godkillers. But the Sher'tul are gone, and compared to the mortals you stand well above.
This is a continuation of Godling which I published previously and contains the Engineered from that.
The three races are:
Engineered: a made godlike entity, grows with level (grows: Stats/resources/speed)
Lost god: a fallen god from before the godhunt, can spend gold to 'spread faith' gaining abilities (stats/resources/speed/durability/resistances)
True Demon: Inspiration for Malrokian modifications. Able to manipulate souls they have captured. Grows with time and kills (stats/resources/speed/durability/affinities)
Todo: True demons are supposed to use a dialog to select which 'garden' your using your souls in. True demons should either be using addtemporary for stat gains, or I need to create a superload, as the existing method of pushing an absolute difference is considered 'not best practice' (due to the need to recalculate where stats are applied).
Race: Thug
Adds Thug as a new Human subrace. Thugs have good Constitution and Willpower. Can stand heavy hit and use humanshield.
This subrace is probably overpowered.
Stat modifiers: +2 Constitution and +2 Willpower
Life Rating: 12
Experience Penalty: 10%
Also big thanks to Shad3 for the help.
v1.0.0 Initial release
v1.0.1 fix talent icon not showing
v1.0.2 fix talent requirement mishap and add size to 1st talent
Recaiden's Undead Racepack - fork
This is a compilation of my undead race addons:
And adds a new evolution prodigy for any undead: Dreadlord
Edits by Shadowing: removed restriction for dreadlord
Embers races rebalance
Note: if you want to play EOR races in Maj'Eyal you need to download nsrr's addon: https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/orcsallraces
Rebalances Embers of Rage races
-Thick Fur: now gives poison and bleeding resistances
-Resilient Body: now gives negative life
-Mindwave: better duration
-Slightly changed base stats
-Orcish Fury: gives you health regeneration if enemies are in a small range, increased duration
-Hold the Ground: completely reworked, gives a damage shield after a spell crit, gives steam if you know tinkering after a non-spell crit
-Skirmisher: resist pen increased, duration of the all resist bonus increased
(only affects the player character, npc orcs have the old talents)
-Whitehooves: increased amount of death momentum stacks, now the base skill gives bonus damage, death momentum is now only gained from killing enemies, critting and taking damage
-Dead Hide: flat damage resist increased, now gives all resist
-Lifeless Rush: completely reworked, consumes 5 stacks of death momentum to create a short wall
-Essence Drain: no longer increases time before death momentum stacks are used, transfers magical and mental debuffs to nearby enemies
I don't know how balanced this is
Edit 1: I forgot to add some things to the description
Thalore scaling tweak
Changes Gift of the Woods to scale with the highest of willpower and dexterity and Nature's Pride to scale with the highest of willpower and strength. I did this, because I felt like there was very little use for thalore outside of willpower classes. Do whatever you want with it.
Werewolves of Maj'Eyal
Adds 5 werewolf races to the game!
Copying and pasting the gist of the racial details from the forum post into here for easy visibility.
Largely your standard werewolf experience. Big, tough, and angry!
Life Rating: 14
Stats: +3 Str, +2 Dex, +1 Con/Wil, -1 Cun
Exp Penalty: 10%
Racial Abilities:
-Furious Rage: An active to boost their damage output and damage resistance temporarily.
-Unrestrained: A passive for stun/pin/disarm resistance.
-Wild Pelt: Passive damage resistance, even upping the resistance cap slightly, and increased size at higher investment levels!
-Monstrous Leap: An active ability to leap and come down with a crash, dealing damage in an aoe! Also gains a bit of size (and damage) when you do!
Next up, we have some nature themed werewolves! They're even green!
Stats: +3 Wil, +2 Con, +1 Str/Cun, -1 Mag
Life Rating: 13
Exp Penalty: 10%
Racial Abilities:
-Wild Rejuvenation: A regeneration and healmod boost, not just for yourself, but allies too!
-Bestial Vitality: Increased life regen and heal mod! Not much more to it, just big werewuff regen.
-Verdant Pelt: Increase your nature affinity, blight and nature resistance, and reduce the duration of detrimental effects!
-Call the Pack: Exactly what it says on the tin! Call up three wolf friends for a bit to help chow down on your enemies!
Following that, these werewolves are the more magically inclined of their brethren! Moon and star themes abound.
Life Rating: 9
Stats: +3 Mag, +2 Wil, +1 Dex/Cun, -1 Str
Exp Penalty: 5%
Racial Abilities:
-Lunar Light: Activate to gain a damage shield, and a boost to all affinities for a bit. Soak that damage!
-Lunar Shadow: A passive that pops when you take enough damage in one blow, and then gives you a chance to avoid any further damage.
-Shimmering Pelt: Adaptive damage resistance that can adjust to up to 3 different types of damage at a time.
-Celestial Power: An active ability to enhance your damage output and damage penetration!
From there, we go to some psionic fluffy friends!
Life Rating: 12
Stats: +3 Cun, +2 Wil, +1 Str/Con, -1 Dex
Exp Penalty: 8%
Racial Abilities:
-Sharp Focus: Self-buff for increased damage and crit chance!
-Shrouded Mind: Confusion and mind damage resistance, increased mental save, and a short range telepathy of all creatures at higher levels!
-Faded Pelt: Resistance to all damage, and quite a bit of it, but taking damage will eat away at the resists until they're gone!
-Psionic Howl: An aoe howl that sics some mental wolves on your enemies, giving them damage over time, reduced damage dealt, and chance for talent failure!
And last, but not least, the stealthy wolves!
Life Rating: 11
Stats: +3 Dex, +2 Cun, +1 Str/Mag, -1 Con
Exp Penalty: 8%
Racial Abilities:
-Hunter's Agility: Boost global speed for a short time!
-Killer Instincts: Increased crit chance and crit damage.
-Shadow Pelt: Defense, crit avoidance, stealth power, and even some light and dark resistance!
-Through the Shadows: An active ability that gives you an instant, variable range, no-cooldown teleport! However, the range diminishes the further you travel with it, and recovers over time.
Damblis Race
Adds the Damblis, a race of humans developed during the Age of Allure, though not as well known as the Higher. During the heights of human and halfing power, many nobles sought entertainments of all variety: comical, martial... sensual. One particualr noble house began to curate beauty and charisma among their subjects, using any means they could, leading to the creation of the Damblis humans. While the details of the process that led to their refinement are unknown, the results were unquestionable: a breed of humans possessing unmatched beauty and charm, able to beguile any who so much as looked upon them. Some say their allure goes beyond mere physical beauty and swear they entrance others by caressing their inner thoughts with mental powers beyond understanding.
1. Dressed to Kill: Once per turn when an enemy sees you they must save against your mindpower or suffer mind damage. The damage can not be reduced by mental save and can be a mental critical hit. Your mindpower for this check is boosted based on your equipped rings, necklace, and belt. Enemies of rank Normal and lower will simply die instead of taking damage.
2. Stunning Looks: Enemies within a cone with a radius equal to your vision range must make a physical save against your mindpower or become stunned for several turns.
3. Irresistible: Enemies who can see you but are not adjacent to you suffer from a stacking affliction which reduces their saves, defense, and resistance to all damage.
4. Take it Off: All enemies who can see you when you sustain this talent will suffer from talent failure chance so long as they can still see you and you continue to sustain the talent. Requires a belt.
Full details on the forum page.
Bear Race
Mod that allows you to play as an adventurer who somehow ended up with humanlike intelligence, but the body of a bear.
Bears are an unusual adventurer species. They are unable to use most equipment (hat, lite, amulet, cape and tool only), but are very strong, fast and tough and have a rather powerful racial talent tree.
The mod is an early work in progress. A future development goal is to adjust dialogues and create new scenarios to reflect a bear's limited communication capabilities.
Racial talents
- Maul: You gain two powerful unarmed paw attacks. Despite being unarmed, you can use your paws to perform most attacks that would normally require melee weapons.
- Ironhide: Gain strong defences that scale with physical power, and the ability to treat your tough hide as light armour
- Ursine Ingenuity: Reduce all cooldowns and increase almost all stats granted by the few items you can actually wear
- Huge. Angry. Bear.: You become far larger, faster, tougher, and stronger.
Chaotic Race-Teraunces fork
A very silly human race that learns random talents. Also includes an option to give any character random talents. Improved by Teraunce to ensure antimagic doesn't learn magic and vice versa.
Works with 1.7.6 despite the module version. Original by Greyswandir. Original description below:
Adds the chaotic human subrace, which get a random talent on every levelup.
Also has the following option under Gameplay:
Extra Chaotic: This affects who gets random talents on levelup:
Standard: Only the chaotic race does.
All Races: The player gets the talents regardless of their race.
Enemies Too: Everything gets talents on levelup, even enemies.