kruk yeti

Embers races rebalance

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Note: if you want to play EOR races in Maj'Eyal you need to download nsrr's addon:

Rebalances Embers of Rage races

-Thick Fur: now gives poison and bleeding resistances
-Resilient Body: now gives negative life
-Mindwave: better duration

-Slightly changed base stats
-Orcish Fury: gives you health regeneration if enemies are in a small range, increased duration
-Hold the Ground: completely reworked, gives a damage shield after a spell crit, gives steam if you know tinkering after a non-spell crit
-Skirmisher: resist pen increased, duration of the all resist bonus increased
(only affects the player character, npc orcs have the old talents)

-Whitehooves: increased amount of death momentum stacks, now the base skill gives bonus damage, death momentum is now only gained from killing enemies, critting and taking damage
-Dead Hide: flat damage resist increased, now gives all resist
-Lifeless Rush: completely reworked, consumes 5 stacks of death momentum to create a short wall
-Essence Drain: no longer increases time before death momentum stacks are used, transfers magical and mental debuffs to nearby enemies

I don't know how balanced this is

Edit 1: I forgot to add some things to the description

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