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Metarace Elf
Locked No
Life Rating 11
Exp Penalty +35%
Stat Modifiers
Strength +2
Dexterity +3
Constitution +1
Magic -2
Willpower +1
Cunning 0
Luck 0


Thaloren elves have spent most of the ages hidden within their forests, seldom leaving them. The ages of the world passed by and yet they remained unchanged.

Their affinity for nature and their reclusion have made them great protectors of the natural order, often opposing their Shalore cousins.

They possess the Wrath of the Eternals talent, which allows them a boost to the damage both inflicted and resisted once in a while.

Linguistic note: Thalore is singular, and Thaloren is plural.

Starting Equipment

Starting Location

Norgos Lair (except for Celestial, Chronomancer and Archmage characters)

Racial Talents

Gift of the Woods
Thaloren wrath 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Thalore
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range Melee/Personal
Cooldown 45–25cTL:10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Call upon nature to regenerate your body for (6+max(Will;Con*0,6)) life every turn and increase healing mod by 15–30%cTL:50% for 8 turns.

The life healed will increase with your Willpower or Constitution (whichever is higher).

Unshackled 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Thalore
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Thaloren have an affinity for natural elements, allowing them to heal for a portion of damage taken from them.

You gain 25–35%cTS Nature and Acid damage affinity.

Guardian of the Wood
Guardian of the wood 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Thalore
Requirements Level (16,17,18,19,20)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Thaloren are part of the wood; it shields them from corruption.

Increase disease immunity by 25–70%cTL:100%, blight resistance by 3–10%cTS, and all resistances by 2–6.5%cTS.

Nature's Pride
Nature s pride 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Thalore
Requirements Level (24,25,26,27,28)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range 4
Cooldown 45–25cTL:8
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Nature is with the Thaloren; they can always feel the call of the woods.

Summons two elite Treants to your side for 8 turns. The treants have a global resistance equal to your blight resistance and can stun, knockback, and taunt foes. Your Willpower (Will) will be added to all of their non-Magic primary stats and their talent levels will increase with your Nature's Pride talent level. Your increased damage, damage penetration, and many other stats will be inherited.

The treants have the following stats:

  • Base Life: 50–80
  • Life Rating: 16
  • Rank: 3
  • Str: 25 + Wil of caster
  • Dex: 18 + Wil of caster
  • Con: 10 + Wil of caster
  • Wil: 25 + Wil of caster
  • Cun: 25 + Wil of caster
  • Armor: 13 + lvl/2
  • Hardiness: 50%

Talents: Stun; Knockback; Taunt

Human Elf Halfling Dwarf Yeek Giant Undead Orc Yeti
Higher Shalore Halfling Dwarf Yeek Ogre Ghoul Orc Kruk Yeti
Cornac Thalore Drem Krog Skeleton
Doomelf Whitehoof