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Metarace Yeek
Locked Yes
Life Rating 7
Exp Penalty -15%
Stat Modifiers
Strength -3
Dexterity -2
Constitution -5
Magic 0
Willpower +6
Cunning +5
Luck 0

Yeek is a race introduced in the base game. It must be unlocked by rescuing the Yeek Wayist from Subject Z in the Ruined Halfling Complex as any race other than Halfling.

Locked Description

One race, one mind, one way. Our oppression shall end, and we shall inherit Eyal.

Do not presume we are weak - our way is true, and only those who help us shall see our strength.


Yeeks are a mysterious race native to the tropical island of Rel.

Although they are now nearly unheard of in Maj'Eyal, they spent many centuries as secret slaves to the Halfling nation of Nargol.

They gained their freedom during the Age of Pyre and have since then followed 'The Way' - a unity of minds enforced by their powerful psionics.

They possess the Dominant Will talent which allows them to temporarily subvert the mind of a lesser creature. When the effect ends, the creature dies.

While Yeeks are not amphibians, they still have an affinity for water, allowing them to survive longer without breathing.

New Race Unlocked Description

Yeeks are a mysterious race of small humanoids native to the tropical island of Rel.

Their body is covered with white fur and their disproportionate heads give them a ridiculous look, yet they are a cunning and willful race.

Although they are now nearly unheard of in Maj'Eyal, they spent many centuries as secret slaves to the Halfling nation of Nargol.

They gained their freedom during the Age of Pyre and have since then followed 'The Way' - a unity of minds enforced by their powerful psionics.

You have helped a Yeek Wayist and can now create a new character with the Yeek race. Race features:

  • Mental domination racial power
  • Confusion resistance
  • Fast leveling
  • Frail body

Starting Equipment

Starting Location

Irkkk (except for Demented metaclass, Doombringer and Demonologist)

Racial Talents

Dominant Will
Yeek will 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Yeek
Requirements Level (0,1,2,3,4)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range 4
Cooldown 45–25cTL:10
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Shatter the mind of your victim, giving you full control of its actions for 5–14cSS:Wil turns (based on your Willpower).

When the effect ends, you pull out your mind and the victim's body collapses, dead. Targets with ranks at or above rare must be below 80% of their maximum life to be controlled, will be invulnerable for the duration, and will break free of the effect without dying after 3 turns. This effect cannot be saved against but checks instakill immunity.

Unity 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Yeek
Requirements Level (8,9,10,11,12)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Your mind becomes more attuned to the Way, and is shielded from outside effects.

Increase confusion and silence immunities by 20–55%cTL:100%, and your Mental Save by 5–20cTS:0.75P.

Quickened 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Yeek
Requirements Level (16,17,18,19,20)
Use Mode Passive
Cost -
Range -
Cooldown -
Travel Speed -
Use Speed -
Description Yeeks live fast, think fast, and sacrifice fast for the Way.

Your global speed is increased by 4–15%cTS:0.75P. If your life drops below 30% you gain 1.5 turns. This effect can only happen once every 45–25cTL:20 turns.

Wayist 2017.png
Game Version 1.7.6
Category Type Race
Category Yeek
Requirements Level (24,25,26,27,28)
Use Mode Activated
Cost -
Range 4
Cooldown 45–25cTL:6
Travel Speed Instantaneous
Use Speed Instant
Description Reach through the collective psionic gestalt of the yeeks, the Way, to call for immediate help.

Summons up to 3 yeek mindslayers to your side for 6 turns. All their primary stats will be set to 25–125cS:0,75P as Will*1–5gtl varies from 0–500 (based on your Willpower and Talent Level). Your increased damage, damage penetration, and many other stats will be inherited.

  • Base Life: 50–80
  • Life Rating: 8
  • Rank: 3
  • stats: 25–125cS:0,75P as (Will * Talent Level) varies from 0–500
  • Talents: Kinetik Shield; Kinetik Aura; Charged Aura (base=1;every=5;max=5)

You will gain full experience for all kills made by the mindslayers.


Human Elf Halfling Dwarf Yeek Giant Undead Orc Yeti
Higher Shalore Halfling Dwarf Yeek Ogre Ghoul Orc Kruk Yeti
Cornac Thalore Drem Krog Skeleton
Doomelf Whitehoof