Saint Jiub's blog

My love-lazyness relationship with ToME and the 5th reset (probably)

Feelings are weird.. I am.. sitting and resetting my Account for the 5th or maybe even 6th time,
you know..THIS TIME it'll be different.
But will it really?
I always reset, start anew, play for a couple days and then I just..stop
And I don't really know why.
Am I truly just lazy? Am I not motivated enough? Don't I have any discipline?
Is it really necessary to even think that deep into it?
no, of course not and yet those questions still linger within my mind
seeking an answer that'll satisfy my ever thinking brain..

But for real man, I really need to get into this damn game. this time for real (I hope)
like dude it's a friggin good game godamn and I'm to busy being weird about it
I don't even know why I always feel the need to reset everything after I haven't played for months,
but hey, maybe some of you can relate to that, it would really help me feel less stupid.

Anyways, I thank you for reading my post and have a nice day!
Maybe we'll see each other on Maj'Eyal (or rather the general chat)

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