
Class: Hunted

Short Name: 

A stealthy Cursed class that uses unarmed attacks. Inspired by HousePet's Werebeast from the Verdant Class Pack.

First and foremost, thank you to everyone in the Tales of Maj'Eyal Discord for all the coding help!

--- Class Talents ---
Cursed / Primal (WIL)
Takedown - Perform a short dash to a target, striking it in melee and pinning it if used from Stealth. Costs Equilibrium, damage based on talent level. Claws of the Beast must be active.
Rip and Tear - Deals melee weapon damage, Bleeds, and increases Hate. Disarms if used from Stealth. Costs Equilibrium, damage based on talent level. Claws of the Beast must be active.
Mournful Howl - Deals Darkness and Mind damage in a small radius and increase Hate. Causes a random gloom effect if used from Stealth. Costs Equilibrium, damage based on talent level and Mindpower. Claws of the Beast must be active.
Throatseeker - Deals high melee weapon damage and increases Hate. Silences if used from Stealth. Costs Equilibrium, damage based on talent level. Claws of the Beast must be active.

Cursed / Prowl (WIL)
Prowl - It's Stealth.
Pounce - It's Shadowstrike.
Nocturnal - It's the stealth regen thing but instead of Life and Stamina, it's Life and Equilibrium.
Into the Woods - Re-enter stealth no matter if enemies are near you or not. No cost, but high cooldown and breaks like regular stealth.

Cursed / Gore (WIL, Locked)
Bloodlet - Critical weapon attacks also apply Bleed. Bleed increases based on talent level.
Dig In - Deals melee weapon damage and intensifies Bleed effects on the enemy. Costs Hate and Equilibrium, damage based on talent level. Claws of the Beast must be active.
Frenzied Swipe - Lash out and swipe madly at everything around you, dealing damage and applying Bleed. Claws of the Beast must be active.
Shadow of the Pack - Sustain that causes triggers a weak melee attack against all Bleeding enemies in a short radius. Costs Equilibrium to sustain, and Hate once per turn that it triggers.

Cursed / Endless hunt
Cursed / Strife
Cursed / Predator
Cursed / Fears
Cursed / Rampage (Locked)

--- Generic Talents ---
Cursed / Werebeast (WIL)
Claws of the Beast - Sustain that gives you some Physical critical chance as well as have a chance to cast your current level of Instill Fear on a single target on melee attacks. Costs Equilibrium, damage based on talent level and Mindpower. Cannot be used with anything in hands. Also passively provides unarmed mastery and makes gloves scale with STR and WIL.
Ravenous Hunger - Gain Hate each turn a Bleeding enemy is in range.
Fight or Flight - Trained Reactions but it costs Equilibrium.
Beastly Form - When active, you gain a stack of Seethe and Grim Resolve (if you know them) automatically and Intimidate enemies around you.

Technique / Combat training
Cursed / Cursed form
Wild-gift / Call of the wild

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