earth turtle


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This addon is home to bonus races, objects, and even a custom zone, for all your turtle pleasures.

Turtle - The normal, all around tanky subrace. Destroy your foes with potent damage reflection and regenerative properties.
MegaTurtle - Imagine normal Turtle, turned up to 11.
EarthTurtle - Potent damage reduction and save powers. The purely defensive focused Turtle.
IceTurtle - Melee's nightmare, fights with constant damage shields, ice blocks, and cold damage reflection.
VolcanicTurtle - Incredible aoe potency. The purely melee focused Turtle.

Tauntlets - Gauntlets with the power to block.
A multitude of varied Artifacts.

The Turtlemire - Home to all Turtles, face off against all 5 Turtle subraces.
Ancient Turtle Cave - Home to the great Turtle Demigod Rex, make your way through 3 powerful Bosses, Rex himself, and claim your rewards.

All subraces can be found in the game as npc opponents.

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