level 52

Vault Inventory from Level 52 of the Infinite Dungeon!

I've just cleaned out a level 52 vault in the Infinite Dungeon. Here is a partial list of what I found:

Light source:
Armor 0 Defense 4
Spell Save: 15
Blindness imm: 80%
Knockback imm: 5%
Light radius: 4
Increases all healing by 15%

Regeneration 466 over 5 turns
Wild: 25% over 7 turns (i already have 30% over 8 turns though, and healing rune of 578)
manasurge rune (1312% over 10 turns, 65 instant mana)
controlled phase door rune [range 10] - my first one in 52 levels!!
heroism infusion: inc STR, DEX, CON by 8 for 13 turns
heatbeam: 360 over 5 turns

Shielding Voratun amulet
24% blindness
26% confusion

Enraging gold amulte
phsyical power 8
increases damage 8% physical

titan's voratun ring: +10 con + 10 physical save

'Noonquill'steel ring

+ 2 MAG +3 DEX

Increases damage 8% lightning
light radius 3 (I already have Vargh, Elemental Fury, and Glory of the Pride though.)

'Menik the Purecrack'
Physical Power: 5
Armour 4 Defense 2 Rnaged 0
Fatigue 7%
Damage on hit(melee) 10 fire 9 acid
Resistances: Lightning 15%, Nature 3%
Critical Damage Modifier: +0.10%
Increases physical save: 3
Physical Crit: 4%

radiant elven-silk robe of Linanil
defense 5
resists: 15%light, 12% darkness,
increases damage: 18% light, 14% darkness
regenerates 0.36 mana per turn
maximum mana 74
spell power 6, spell crit 6%
light radius 1

prismatic drakeskin leather cap of trickery
apr 7
armour 5

+ 4 Dex +4 cun

reistances: 18% light, 20% darkness (needed as light damage down here is horrendous)

dwarven-steel gauntlets of attack
attack 17

elemental greatmaul of crippling (63-94.5 power, 4 apr)
63 power
Damage on strike: 18 fire, 19 ice, 29 acid 29 lightning
Physical crit when worn: 9%

elemental dwarvensteel greatmaul of daylight
power 32
damage on strike: 19 acid, 12 ice, 27 light, 15 lightning, 16 fire

slime-covered voratun greatmaul of corruption
power 68
damage on strike: 23 blight, 17 darkness, 51 slime (yes, 51!)
physical crit: 13%
see invisible: 25

'Turisatar' longsword
power 21
damage on strike 25 poison
when wielded:
atk 9

+ 5 Dex +4 cunning

regen: 1.5 hps/turn (mind you, I'm wearing Sanguine Shield...)
max stamina 25
increases all healing 15%

might drakeskin leather sling
power 52
increases damage: 32% physical

pearl x2
fire opal
lapis lazuli
Crystal Focus

flaming shocking dragonebone arrow
power 52
18 apr
damage on hit: 20 lightning, 21 fire

and my favorite find yet, even though I can't shoot:
189 poisonous poisonous dragonebone arrow (yes, it says it twice!)
52 power
18 apr
damage on hit: 70 poison

There were about anoth 5-6 random artifacts (bows, great swords, armour etc), that I didn't bother to record!

On to level 53!

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