
Beta 2 is upon us!

As promised, here comes T-Engine4 & ToME4 beta 2! This releases fixes many little bugs, and some major ones, re-balances some things here and there, improves the interface and CPU usage. It also come with a very dirty example module which is much much smaller than ToME that people can use as a base for their own modules. The current endgame moved a bit with the addition of Moria but not much further, in the next few betas I will implement a good part of the missing zones for levels 20-50. And this time, OSX binaries are available! List of changes in no particular order:

  • try to stop passage of time after death
  • menu for sound & music disabling
  • allow window to dynamic resize
  • do not destroy objects when not able to equip them
  • A* algorithm (engine.Astar)
  • game pauses when it looses focus, no CPU used when paused
  • modules can return true from their tick() to pause the ticking until the next SDL event, reducing CPU usage drastically
  • mouse-right-click will now make the player either:
    • run to the clicked spot if a path can be found
    • run in the direct if no path is found
    • move one turn in the direction if hostiles are present or if the clicked spot is adjacent
  • MiniMap ! default keybind: TAB
  • move lua lane keeper to a lua file, to avoid 64bits problems
  • all coroutine.resume calls no do good stacktrace
  • Mac OSX support
  • PlayerDisplay does not run every frame, better displaying performance
  • fixed crash with no music found
  • template example module
  • bows & slings improve firing range
  • fixed Berserk (wont loose attack)
  • stats on levelup are bound without considering items
  • keybinds used in Birther
  • traps are correctly detected by the Sense spell
  • new world map special encounter
  • arcane combat is now sustained
  • black mamba & anacondas are rarer and higher level
  • adjust stats&life by rank
  • Shadowblades now have "Shadow magic"
  • nobody regens mana but mages
  • id from inventory screen now updates correctly
  • do not waste cooldown & resources when canceling archery
  • talents don't activate with the mouse by just dragging over, requires a mouse up
  • identify now works on equipment too
  • black bear is greyer
  • fixed all npcs to use auto_req for their stuff
  • added moria and a reason to go there, the end is quite loose at this point
  • Ukruk now has Rush
  • Stone Wall actually works now
  • added a_lomos_del_dragon_blanco music
  • fixed chain lightning
  • new display modes: ascii with color background
  • slings are made of leather
  • gradient lightning
  • all players now start with 2 potions of cure poison
  • reduced the size of the last level of elven ruins

Have fun!

Lightning effect is bright!

Ok .. pun intended! Anyway, coming next version: gradient lightning. Again this is a per-module setting, yay T-Engine !

CPU Usage

Some people have raised concerns about the 100% CPU usage.

While I do not believe this to be a problem for games I have still changed it for next release. The engine will check for the return value of the game:tick() method, if it is true it will not call tick() anymore until new events come in.

The display function will only be called if the game has focus.

So modules that require it can still run full time and others can tell the engine to be nice.

Happy ? ;)

ToME forever: Announcing ToME4 beta!

The board is set, the pieces are moving. For many years people have patiently waited for ToME3 to be released, for many years I have tried. But I always burned out of developing it too fast. It was a pile of old crappy code I could not stand working on anymore... So one day I set out on a new venture, to rewrite it all from scratch, to forget code I could not bear using anymore and to focus on a new engine, and a new game. This was about six months ago, and now after 20 private alpha versions I am ready to unleash the Tales of Middle-Earth: The Fourth Age and T-Engine4 onto the world!

T-Engine 4

This is the "spiritual" successor of T-Engine 3, the basic idea is the same: to make a roguelike game engine that allows the game maker to focus on making a game, not on handling the trivialities of coding. Being the lua fanatic I am the engine obviously uses it, and much more than in T-Engine2/3. There is a very small C core that is mostly unaware of any high level designs, it simply provides access to graphics, sounds, input, ... T-Engine4 can handle many things and is meant to be easily extended. Its lua core is documented and based on a simple OO design, leveraging the full power of Lua. A list of features can be found at http://te4.org/ but the most important ones are:

  • single unified UI using OpenGL on all platforms
  • support for many roguelike concepts from scratch without imposing limits on what can be done with them
  • easy input (keyboard & mouse) support
  • generic save/load code using serialization, simple objects do not even need to be aware of it, it works auto-magically
  • support for both graphical mode and traditional ASCII, potentially at the same time
  • many other things, checkout the site and try it

Tales of Middle-Earth: The Fourth Age

Because an engine is nothing without a game (and because I wanted to make a game), I developed ToME4 at the same time. As I developed ToME3 I was starting to feel restricted by the theme I had setup for myself, that of the quests for the ring in the third age. Do not get me wrong, I love the setting but it felt to me like I was meant to follow a pre-existing story and had little room for improvements, all I could do was bastardise it. So I took a hard, but IMO needed, decision for ToME4 and scrapped that altogether. It is based one hundred and twenty two years after the fall of Sauron, in a world that is in relative peace under the guidance the High Kings of the Reunited Kingdom (Gondor and Arnor). The player is not "the chosen one" that goes on to save the world from level 1 but instead a simple adventurer, out for glory and treasures. While there is a grand-evil-that-must-be-stopped it is revealed slowly as part of the player leveling up and should feel much less intimidating. The biggest gameplay change is probably the switch to a new stats&skills system. The primary stats are now Strength, Dexterity, Magic, Willpower, Cunning and Constitution (with a hidden Luck stat) and the skill system has been changed to follow a "standard" pattern for most skills. They are now called talents and usually have 5 levels. All talents are organised in talent types, usually 4 talents per type. This forces to have some interesting designs for each classes, melee classes have gained a lot from it and now have many combat techniques they can use. Some races, classes and other "things" also need unlocking before they can be used. Fear not, the mage class for example is indeed in the game but requires unlocking to be available, as are others. There is mainly two reasons for this design:

  • it allows to not overwhelm a new player with too many unknown choices at birth
  • it allows to give "rewards" without winning the game

At the start the player can be a human, dwarf, elf or hobbit and either a warrior, rogue or archer (with subclasses for each). ToME4 (and T-Engine4) are meant to be enjoyable by anybody, as such there is no hidden "macro", or tons of useless and cryptic options. Key-bindings and graphical modes are set-able in game with the main menu (available by pressing Escape from the game). Mouse support is available in most dialogs, it can even be used to activate talents. Both ToME4 and T-Engine4 are now in public beta, meaning they are usable but not done. T-Engine4 is mostly good and I did not modify it much for some weeks now, except to add some new independent features (like new map generators). ToME4 story is fully planned in my head and was meant to be split in two half. The first half is done and playable (and such the game is currently winnable), the second half will be implemented during beta. Now go to http://tome.te4.org or http://te4.org and download it!

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