Heartstalker - Psionic Class
Adds Heartstalker, a psionic class themed around the subconscious, as a birth option. Heartstalkers are a stealth-oriented class that start with twin daggers. Confounding foes's perceptions with their strange psychic power, they weaken their victims from afar, unseen and untouchable, before drawing in close for the kill when they feel the time is right. Take care, however, for though your mind is a potent shield against hostile intent, the physical flesh it guards is exceedingly frail.
Heartstalker talent trees include:
Perception: Turn aside prying eyes to hide your presence!
Unconscious Mind: Draw power from the unconscious to erode and destroy the conscious!
Thoughtless Action: Lay cold steel to your foes faster than conscious thought could ever allow!
Biorhythm: Feel and regulate the pulses within yourself and your enemies to create and capitalise on opportunities!
Emotion: Play with and feed upon your victim's emotions to dull their senses while empowering yourself!
Depths (locked): Call upon strange powers from the root of the mind to overwhelm foes!
Memory (locked): Omit, modify, and dupilicate memories; if it is remembered so, then so it was!
Dark Psyche (locked): Dredge up the mind's hidden weakness and Hate to torment your foes with shadowy doppelgangers!
All that we know of ourselves and others is merely a facade; the truth of the mind and the world sleeps where it cannot see.
Heartstalker - Psionic Class forum discussion thread
See addon usage in the character's vault.
Name | Module Version Required | Released | File |
small fix | 1.7.0 | 2022-03-28 11:11 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.2.0 | 1.7.0 | 2020-11-23 10:21 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.1.3 | 1.6.7 | 2020-07-02 22:49 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.1.2 | 1.6.7 | 2020-06-30 21:54 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.1.1 | 1.6.7 | 2020-04-27 05:25 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.1.0 "A Bit of Shut-Eye" | 1.6.7 | 2020-04-27 01:53 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.0.2 | 1.6.7 | 2020-04-24 03:43 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.0.1 | 1.6.7 | 2020-04-24 03:17 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Heartstalker v1.0.0 | 1.6.7 | 2020-04-23 11:57 |
tome-heartstalker_class.teaa |
Great Work but...
In ver 1.7.4, NPC HeartStalkers sometimes create an Abyssal Form of player, not themselves, and it does not disappear even after the creator died.
Great theme, though overpowered
Wonderfully thematic and extremely powerful class. Works out a bit like Cursed, with added perma-stealth and ways to fight outside melee range. Early game is slow but everything can be chipped away at.
The character I played
Genetic Memory is a broken talent, to the point that the only real threat is enemy Heartstalkers using it to strip your sustains, so you have to use it on them first! Basically nothing else was dangerous after some levels, though I didn't try doing Crypt or Godfeaster, and the final bosses were messy (my fault). Love and Death gets applied more often than it sounds and will negate a massive amount of incoming damage that isn't caught by Antimagic. Big spell crits coming out of nowhere still hurt, but Lapse is an incredible instant heal that's also an auto-safety net. Bumping power also gets strong.
On the other hand I don't know what the point of Projection is. It's 15 psi for a single area hit at low damage %, and you can't be spending lots of psi unless you can restore it very quickly. I think I'd actually prefer it not losing self-damage because then I could maybe use it to knock off Dazes, which are annoying when the enemies can't find you.
Bug report
Although I am not sure how to replicate this bug, here is what happened: I am currently playing oozemancer - removing buffs debuffs and sustains all around. One random rare casted effigy in the middle of a fight on me, I did not notice as I had a lot of oozes around. After fight it does not disappear (maybe I managed to remove some buff/debuff/kill its caster, I dont know for sure). Instead it stays permanently and with -50% - 0% resistances acts as extreme damage sponge/run ender. Class is really fun to play though and I hope you manage to repair this one talent.
Bug report
Although I am not sure how to replicate this bug, here is what happened: I am currently playing oozemancer - removing buffs debuffs and sustains all around. One random rare casted effigy in the middle of a fight on me, I did not notice as I had a lot of oozes around. After fight it does not disappear (maybe I managed to remove some buff/debuff/kill its caster, I dont know for sure). Instead it stays permanently and with -50% - 0% resistances acts as extreme damage sponge/run ender. Class is really fun to play though and I hope you manage to repair this one talent.
very cool concept,but the
very cool concept,but the screams from Dark Psyche are very disruptive.I would much prefer taking that tree if the sounds were changed.keep up the good work .
Probably too strong and not
Probably too strong and not in a good way. In my trial run I mainly had trouble with rares of the same class. All others were no problem. In addition - the area attack available from lvl 1 - easily reached range 10+ - low cooldown - restores Psi?? Why should I need anything else?%))