Discordant class (and friends) - enemy edition
This is a fork of Rukaneo's Discordant and Friends, itself a fork of Vectorinox's Discordant and Friends. This fork removes the brakes on the original addon by allowing enemies to get all non-customer classes from this addon, and marks some of the most egregiously broken (on enemies) talents as enemy-unusable. Each class should now be a challenge to work around on enemies, rather than being literally unkillable (notably primitive and discordant).
----------- Original from VectorinoxDescriptions
Add Discordant as playable psionic subclass. A psionic tank with death radius around them (think of Mindrot, but less sucky). Wins battle through attrition, melts trash mobs just by standing. Can also spam tele-frags if you feel like it.
Add Kudzu as playable wilder subclass. Invasive, annoying, and hard to get rid of. Master of crowd controls and area denials. Cover the world with fungus, lichens, moss, and kudzus.
Add Scorpion as playable rogue subclass. Stealthy brawler with poison fist. Pull in your enemy and dethrone them with chain of combos.
Add Critic as playable afflicted subclass. High-risk, high-reward, critical-centric class that use feedback pool as life. Overpower your enemy with overwhelming amount of Gestures, or die from receiving too much criticism.
Add Colossus as playable race. Artificial giant constructed by dwarves, has the same start location as dwarf. Durable race with some drawbacks. Also like gold.
This is a practice addon intended for personal use, but thank you if you decided to check it out anyway.
Bonus class: Primitive, master of bump-attack *joke class* -------------
This is my first ever addon I just simply updated Vectorinox's discordant patch for all the classes to 1.7.0 (espeically for all you critic users) as well giving an a slight buff to Scorpions hook
(lowered the cool down ) . I give full credits to Vectorinox for making this wonderful addon. So please enjoy. So I may not be able to fix the bugs that may occur in the future ]
Andrew Minton : Qlass Pack (used as base)
Vectorinox and his Discodant Class pack - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/discordant
1.0.0:- Initial release
1.0.1:- Discord talent tree rework (AKA nerfs)
1.0.2:- Add colossus as playable giant race
1.0.3:- Add kudzu as playable wilder class
1.0.4:- Add scorpion as playable rogue class
1.0.5:- Buffed scorpion weak early game scaling
1.0.6:- Add critic as playable afflicted class
1.0.7:- Critique tree bugfix
1.0.8:- Counterargument bugfix
1.0.9:- Update and minor Scorpion Buff by Rukaneo
1.1.0: - Fixed the psionic storm bug for discordant
Augmented Mobility Grants Telekinetic Grasp
Learning a talent in the Augmented Mobility category will now grant Telekinetic Grasp just like it used to.
Discordant class (and friends) -updated 7v-
Add Discordant as playable psionic subclass. A psionic tank with death radius around them (think of Mindrot, but less sucky). Wins battle through attrition, melts trash mobs just by standing. Can also spam tele-frags if you feel like it.
Add Kudzu as playable wilder subclass. Invasive, annoying, and hard to get rid of. Master of crowd controls and area denials. Cover the world with fungus, lichens, moss, and kudzus.
Add Scorpion as playable rogue subclass. Stealthy brawler with poison fist. Pull in your enemy and dethrone them with chain of combos.
Add Critic as playable afflicted subclass. High-risk, high-reward, critical-centric class that use feedback pool as life. Overpower your enemy with overwhelming amount of Gestures, or die from receiving too much criticism.
Add Colossus as playable race. Artificial giant constructed by dwarves, has the same start location as dwarf. Durable race with some drawbacks. Also like gold.
This is a practice addon intended for personal use, but thank you if you decided to check it out anyway.
Bonus class: Primitive, master of bump-attack *joke class* -------------
This is my first ever addon I just simply updated Vectorinox's discordant patch for all the classes to 1.7.0 (espeically for all you critic users) as well giving an a slight buff to Scorpions hook
(lowered the cool down ) . I give full credits to Vectorinox for making this wonderful addon. So please enjoy. So I may not be able to fix the bugs that may occur in the future ]
Andrew Minton : Qlass Pack (used as base)
Vectorinox and his Discodant Class pack - https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/discordant
1.0.0:- Initial release
1.0.1:- Discord talent tree rework (AKA nerfs)
1.0.2:- Add colossus as playable giant race
1.0.3:- Add kudzu as playable wilder class
1.0.4:- Add scorpion as playable rogue class
1.0.5:- Buffed scorpion weak early game scaling
1.0.6:- Add critic as playable afflicted class
1.0.7:- Critique tree bugfix
1.0.8:- Counterargument bugfix
1.0.9:- Update and minor Scorpion Buff by Rukaneo
Class: Wisp
A new class, a psionic archer who starts with the powers of hypnosis, light telekinesis, and control over fabric.
They use only Psi as their resource.
They are unlocked along with Mindslayers.
Class Talents
Technique/Psychic Marksman - Use willpower instead of strength and focus on shooting extremely accurately.
Technique/Psychic Shots - Shoot arrows that pierce targets, knock enemies around, or change direction midair.
Psionic/Idol - Surround yourself with hypnotic auras. The first 3 talents in this unusual tree can be learned in any order.
Psionc/Noumena - Strange manifestations of energy let you disable enemies and hide yourself from view.
Technique/Arrowstorm - (locked) Ranged Combat, but at close range.
Psionic/Unleash Abomination - (locked) Shoot arrows when attacked, shoot arrows when you shoot arrows, and make enemies into arrows.
Psionic/Unleash Nightmare - (locked) Put enemies to sleep and torment them in their dreams.
Generic Talents
Psionic/Mindshaped Materials - Reinforce your light armor, pin enemies down, and summon walls using your command of fine materials.
Psionic/Mindprison - (locked) Put stolen minds to work speeding you up, clearing effects, and recharging your talents.
Psionic/Augmented Mobility
There is also an evolution prodigy for this class, Incarnate Storm.
Incompatible with https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/mv-greenwatch
Discordant ( + Critic, Kudzu, Primitive, Scorpion, Colossus)
1) Add Discordant as playable psionic subclass. A psionic tank with death radius around them (think of Mindrot, but less sucky). Wins battle through attrition, melts trash mobs just by standing. Can also spam tele-frags if you feel like it.
2) Add Kudzu as playable wilder subclass. Invasive, annoying, and hard to get rid of. Master of crowd controls and area denials. Cover the world with fungus, lichens, moss, and kudzus.
3) Add Scorpion as playable rogue subclass. Stealthy brawler with poison fist. Pull in your enemy and dethrone them with chain of combos.
4) Add Critic as playable afflicted subclass. High-risk, high-reward, critical-centric class that use feedback pool as life. Overpower your enemy with overwhelming amount of Gestures, or die from receiving too much criticism.
5) Add Colossus as playable race. Artificial giant constructed by dwarves to guard their gold, has some non-living characteristics. Starts on Reknor (dwarf start). A durable race with some drawbacks. Also like gold.
- This is a practice addon intended for personal use, but thank you if you decided to check it out anyway.
- Bonus class: Primitive, master of bump-attack *joke class*
Andrew Minton : Qlass Pack (used as base)
1.0.0: - Initial release
1.0.1: - Discord talent tree rework (AKA nerfs)
1.0.2: - Add colossus as playable giant race
1.0.3: - Add kudzu as playable wilder class
1.0.4: - Add scorpion as playable rogue class
1.0.5: - Buffed scorpion weak early game scaling
1.0.6: - Add critic as playable afflicted class *weird guy*
Class+Race Pack
Adds several new classes and races:
- Bladebender class: Psionic melee fighter that triple-wields daggers and has "meta" talents that can modify other talents.
- Harbinger class: Wilder melee fighter that channels storms through their attacks. More powerful against groups of foes than against single targets. Their class talents do not use resources.
- The Cooler Anorithil class: Revamp of the Anorithil class that must directly alternate between Solar and Lunar talents instead of managing positive/negative energy.
- Zephyr class: Basically a ranged and exclusively lightning-based version of Arcane Blade. Overpowered, not a serious class, and mostly exists to demonstrate instant projectiles.
- Moon Fox race: Race that can radically transform class and generic talents by attaching tails to them.
- Dreamelf race: Overpowered race that can reposition enemies and shorten talent cooldowns.
- Lich race: Undead race that can convert a portion of all their damage into a damage type of their choice.
This addon also makes a couple other changes to make the Zephyr class work:
- Feather Wind is no longer snapshottable, provides less defense but provides both melee and ranged defense, and its maximum encumbrance is no longer spellpower-dependent.
Other than that, the addon tries not to affect existing classes/races/talents. The new classes won't appear on enemies or Adventurers.
You may freely modify and redistribute this addon and its contents, except where otherwise indicated in the Credits section below.
Weight: 134953
===== Credits =====
As in vanilla, all talent icons are from http://game-icons.net/ and licensed under CC-BY 3.0. Class icons are from https://opengameart.org/content/painterly-spell-icons-part-4 and https://opengameart.org/content/11-planet-sci-fi-set .
http://freesound.org/people/pingel/sounds/2689/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/artifact/sounds/29675/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/BOBtheROSS/sounds/244358/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/CGEffex/sounds/98335/ CC-BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/Ephemeral_Rift/sounds/77370/ CC BY-NC 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/jameswrowles/sounds/248219/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/Julien%20Matthey/sounds/105016/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/misosound/sounds/251759/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/nicStage/sounds/64460/ CC BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/benjaminharveydesign/sounds/315914/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/misosound/sounds/251759/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/werra/sounds/232130/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/bspiller5/sounds/157616/ CC 0
http://freesound.org/people/qubodup/sounds/219566/ CC-BY 3.0
http://freesound.org/people/gezortenplotz/sounds/20135/ CC-BY 3.0
===== Changelog =====
- Added Moon Fox race
- Bug fix: Dreamelf/Moon Fox gender restriction now works fully
- Simplified Resistance to give all resistance instead of physical, fire, cold, lightning, and acid resistance, and greatly reduced its resistance value to be more in line with Thick Skin (i.e. it sucks now)
- Updated for ToME version 1.7.2 (including translation support)
- Changed some talents to mitigate ToME's crit tracking bug ( http://forums.te4.org/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=51477 ). Talents with non-damaging effects that crit (e.g. Countershock, Solar Shield) now try to preserve previous crit state; other affected talents are detailed individually below.
- Redesigned all combatTalentLimit() calls, attempting to adapt to 1.7's change to combatTalentLimit() shape.
- Slight changes to various talent descriptions for consistency.
- Bladebender:
- Bug fix: Deja Vu no longer routinely fails to force its target and no longer infinitely repeats talents with coroutines
- Bug fix: Specialty can no longer be used on prodigies
- Bug fix: Specialty now calls on_mastery_change and updates talent passives correctly
- Bug fix: Eliminated an accidentally-left-in debugging line (printed "asdfasglasldgkj" when Project reactivated after leveling up)
- Air Parry now prints its message right before destroying a projectile instead of right after
- Cooler Anorithil:
- Bug fix: Selenelion now provides the correct amount of extra spell crit multiplier
- Bug fix: Ad Astra no longer refers to Jumpgate in its failure message (text-only bug)
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Syzygy talent now uses instant bolts instead of projectiles, tries to preserve previous crit state, and uses its own crit state for its damage
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Star Song beams now crit individually
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Solar Flares explosions now crit individually
- Resistance's talent level scaling curve for its resistances adjusted (lower values at talent level 1, higher values at higher talent levels)
- Solar Shield duration reduced to 5 (from 10); the long duration was a holdover from when Bathe in Light could be obtained from escorts
- Solar Shield's description now includes damage shield power and duration bonuses
- Harbinger:
- Finally got rid of the Tremor category.
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Flashover now tries to preserve previous crit state and uses its own crit state for its damage
- Fortress of Ruin now provides evasion instead of a variant of crit shrug.
- Resistance now provides slightly more resistance
- Resistance's resistance cap bonus now converges instead of scaling at ^0.5
- Fortitude now scales linearly (previously ^0.75) and generally gives slightly more saves
- Lich:
- Bug fix: The Lich talent now describes the effect of 1.7 critical shrug instead of 1.5 critical shrug.
- Ancient Knowledge now has a safeguard for talent categories that are known by the actor but don't actually exist (fixes compatibility with Arcanist class from Arcanum).
- Zephyr:
- Bug fix: Lightning Phase's damage can now crit
- Crit tracking bug mitigation: Hail of Destruction's spell crit now happens per-target for the lightning explosion, instead of before doing the archery attack
- Removed some debugging print() calls
- Bug fix: Vortex now attributes its damage correctly (allows it to trigger "Talent on hit (mindpower)" directly)
- Bug fix: Ancient Knowledge no longer affects mastery of prodigies (coincidentally fixes Adept error)
- No longer modifies Tempest because its snapshotting is fixed in Bugfix Pack.
- Initial release
- Changes to the classes and races:
- All content updated for ToME4 version 1.6.7
- Removed legacy talents/effects/etc. that were kept for save compatibility in the original addons, since this is a new addon (and 1.6 is not save compatible with 1.5 anyway)
- Some indentation cleanup
- Edited some descriptions
- Bladebender:
- Bug fix: The sound effect for Break Guard now accounts for the enemy shrugging off the disarm or stun
- Bug fix: Deja Vu recursion guard no longer sticks around slightly longer than intended when the Deja Vu sustain is deactivated
- Bug fix: Deja Vu now has a message when its chosen talent is lost, like the other Talent Perfection talents
- Bug fix: Specialty now updates the passive effects of non-passive talents
- Bug fix: Waiting Blades now only attacks hostile creatures as it claims
- Lesser Weapon Focus can now trigger from all attacks that did not originate from Lesser Weapon Focus, but has a lower trigger chance
- Reduced healing and psi gain from One With Blades by 1/3
- Healing and psi gain from One With Blades is no longer rounded
- Perforate now uses blood color
- Talent Perfection messages for talents being lost no longer begin with a space
- Dreamelf:
- Updated experience penalty to match the change to Shalore
- Updated healing infusion to be inscribed instead of in inventory, to match changes to other races
- Cooler Anorithil:
- Bug fix: Finally implemented Sear and Numb with callbackOnDealDamage, fixing them searing/numbing through damage shields. Also can I just say that death_note is a really bad variable name
- Bug fix: Solar Focus Target now actually removes itself if the source dies or otherwise disappears
- Bug fix: Solar Focus now deactivates immediately upon changing levels
- Bug fix: Solar Flares no longer fails to roll crit and shift alignment when it doesn't find any targets
- Renamed from "Anorithil" to "Cooler Anorithil" and is now separate from the vanilla class (no more monsters with it)
- Added class icon
- Added "SOLAR_", "LUNAR_", "LIMINAL_", to unprefixed talents' internal names to reduce the chance of addon conflicts.
- Talents with 3D sounds no longer lose volume with distance, and have had their panning adjusted
- Changed Cunning/Survival mastery from 1.1 to 1.0
- Replaced Duality's projectile deflection chance with a much lower chance to avoid damage
- Reduced the amount of critical chance from Selenelion
- Reduced the damage of Spontaneous Combustion
- Renamed the new version of Corona to Syzygy
- Renamed the new version of Jumpgate to Astral Gate
- Renamed the new version of Jumpgate: Teleport To to Ad Astra
- Renamed the new version of Moonlight Ray to Lunar Ray
- Renamed the new version of Searing Light to Solar Light
- Renamed the new version of Shadow Blast to Shadow Burst
- Renamed the new version of Starfall to Dark Star
- Renamed the new version of Totality to Occultation
- Renamed the new version of Twilight Surge to Twilight Pulse
- Increased minimum pitch of Lunar Ray sounds
- Increased minimum pitch of first Shadow Blast sound
- Increased minimum pitch of first Solar Light sound
- Increased volume of Occultation sound
- Harbinger:
- Bug fix: Particles for Channel Fire, Channel Cold, and Cyclone are no longer lost on save/load
- Bug fix: Cyclone particles now disappear if it is completely unlearned
- Added "HARBINGER_" to talents' internal names to reduce the chance of addon conflicts
- Capped all talent radii at 10
- Arc now attacks monsters in order of how many arc steps it took to reach them, with ties broken randomly
- Arc now has a safeguard against stack overflows when attacking extremely long chains of monsters (chains shorter than 127 monsters are unaffected, so it can still hit over 16,000 monsters)
- Reduced the effect of Chill
- Adjusted scaling of Countershock's cooldown with talent level, nerfing it at talent level 2+
- Reduced Cremate's heal by 70% but removed its once-per-turn restriction
- Cremate no longer plays a sound
- Increased Cyclone's damage by 50%
- Made Electrical Disruption's cooldown scaling less extreme at low talent levels
- Electrical Disruption now plays its sound at the user's location instead of the target's
- Reduced the number of effects removed by Electrical Disruption
- Halved Flashover damage.
- Reduced Flashover radius (matches new Storm Conduit radius)
- Foreshock's sound now has randomized speed
- Reduced the amount of evasion given by Megathrust
- Changed Mist's life regeneration to scale with talent level only (not mindpower), but increased its healing modifier bonus. This also fixes the snapshotting bug with the life regeneration
- Reduced the amount of physical power given by Mountain Mover (now that weapon masteries give less)
- Storm Conduit's radius now scales with talent level
- Storm Conduit's sound now has randomized speed
- Greatly reduced Storm Conduit damage, due to Cremate now being able to trigger it multiple times per turn
- Reduced the effect of Suppressing Fire, especially at low talent levels
- Vortex's sound now has randomized speed
- Reduced the number of effects removed and wards given by Torrent
- Lich:
- Due to 1.6 inscription changes making undead MUCH less bad, this race had to be nerfed a lot.
- Increased experience penalty from 0% to 20%
- Removed stun immunity (farewell consistency with NPC liches)
- Reduced life rating from 10 to 8
- Absorb Essence now recovers steam
- Ancient Knowledge's Infinite Dungeon hack revised to be monotonic (going from slightly below effective talent level 10 to slightly above it no longer makes the talent worse)
- Reduced the crit shrug chance on the Lich talent by about 28%
- Reduced the Cunning-based saves on the Lich talent by 1/3
- Zephyr:
- Bug fix: Recharge now uses callbackOnDealDamage, fixing e.g. 0 damage hits providing mana
- No longer starts in Angolwen because Abashed Expanse is obnoxious
- Self-targeting with Lightning Phase now gives Stormshield instead of Elemental Surge: Lightning (which was similar to Stormshield before 1.6), with a threshold of 0.01 and a small number of charges
- Greatly reduced the flat damage reduction from Static Shield
- Storm Infusion is now passive
- Reduced Sylph's damage avoidance chance
- No longer has Spell/Phantasm or modifies its talents; starts with Disperse Magic instead of Illuminate
- No longer alters Chain Lightning or Thunderstorm
- For consistency with vanilla, the Mobile Defense talent no longer applies to the Feather Wind defense bonus (only relevant in combination with other third-party addons)
- The Storm Fury artifact no longer grants Storm Archery mastery
Heartstalker - Psionic Class
Adds Heartstalker, a psionic class themed around the subconscious, as a birth option. Heartstalkers are a stealth-oriented class that start with twin daggers. Confounding foes's perceptions with their strange psychic power, they weaken their victims from afar, unseen and untouchable, before drawing in close for the kill when they feel the time is right. Take care, however, for though your mind is a potent shield against hostile intent, the physical flesh it guards is exceedingly frail.
Heartstalker talent trees include:
Perception: Turn aside prying eyes to hide your presence!
Unconscious Mind: Draw power from the unconscious to erode and destroy the conscious!
Thoughtless Action: Lay cold steel to your foes faster than conscious thought could ever allow!
Biorhythm: Feel and regulate the pulses within yourself and your enemies to create and capitalise on opportunities!
Emotion: Play with and feed upon your victim's emotions to dull their senses while empowering yourself!
Depths (locked): Call upon strange powers from the root of the mind to overwhelm foes!
Memory (locked): Omit, modify, and dupilicate memories; if it is remembered so, then so it was!
Dark Psyche (locked): Dredge up the mind's hidden weakness and Hate to torment your foes with shadowy doppelgangers!
All that we know of ourselves and others is merely a facade; the truth of the mind and the world sleeps where it cannot see.
TK Weapon Sprite
Makes your TK weapon appear behind you.
Adds the Mindslinger as a new, Yeek-only, Psionic subclass.
Mindslingers wield slings in their main-hand and telekenetic weapon slots and gain many bonuses while their off-hand slot is empty, ranging from defense to added procs on ranged attacks.
One part Mindslayer, one part Solipsist, a dash of Skirmisher, just a pinch of Arcane Blade and Cursed, and 100% Grade-A Yeek.
New Talents:
Master the sling and your mind to fire shots infused with Psionic energy.
Learn cunning off-hand gestures to focus your mind and perform powerful defense and offensive feats.
Master the use of Feedback and charge your shots with potent mental forces.
More details in the forum thread.
Icons from game-icons.net