Gladiator Fork
This fork updates Combat Vigor to use 1.7+ dispel, and reduces lash/thrust cooldown to 0 at lv5 so increased attack speed will not lead to downtime. It also adds whip/trident icons to their respective talents so you can tell at a glance which is which.
Adds the Gladiator, a warrior subclass. Gladiators are weapons experts and can wield one-handed weapons in either hand with ease, however, they are also proficient with two-handed weapons and shields.
They learn many techniques for use with Axes, Maces, Swords and even more exotic weapons. Gladiators are able to quickly swap weapons and stack numerous detrimental effects on their foes, then finish them off with techniques that grow more deadly the more devastated their enemies become.
Includes six new class trees and one new generic tree, allowing for a variety of builds. Will you wield maces and shields and wear your foes down while sheltered inside your armor or put defense aside, pick up a pair of waraxes and become The Axebutcher?
Arcane Archer
Adds the Arcane Archer, a warrior subclass.
The Arcane Archer is exactly as it says on the tin.
Phantom Warrior Class
Introduce Phantom Warrior, a two-handed chronomancy class.
Different from other chronomancers who are adept at traveling along the timeline, Phantom Warriors enhance their craft in manipulating the space of the battlefield. Each strike of their hefty two-handed weapon has a chance of breaking the stability of surrounding aether, creating inferior phantoms of themselves that last only for a short while. In order to thrive in combat, Phantom Warriors need to manage their phantoms wisely along with other resources.
In order to thrive in combat, a Phantom Warrior needs to manage their phantoms wisely along with other resources.
Class trees:
- Chronomancy/Phantom: foundational tree of this class, some status cleansing, and paradox management
- Chronomancy/Transcendental Combat: ways to generate phantoms and fighting at range
- Chronomancy/Time Wounds: talents working around a single strong debuff that can be stacked many times
- Chronomancy/Timeless Warrior: stamina management, some good offense/defense sustains, and one panic button
- (locked) Chronomancy/Sigils: map effects like Celestial/Circles to buff phantoms and debuff foes
- (locked) Chronomancy/Mirror: everything reflection
- (locked) Chronomancy/Synchronization: managing phantoms
plus two old trees:
- Chronomancy/Spacetime Folding
- (locked) Chronomancy/Matter
Generic trees:
- Technique/Combat Training
- Chronomancy/Chronomancy
- Chronomancy/Spacetime Weaving
- (locked) Chronomancy/Fate Weaving
- (locked) Cunning/Survival
Known problems:
- The size of the save file tends to grow quite large by late game. It appears to be caused by some reference counting issues plus the fact that inventories are cloned. Dead/expired phantoms still show up as party members even though they shouldn't be. Please let me know if anyone has ideas about how to work around this issue.
This class is originally inspired by Phantom Lancer from Dota 2.
Adds the Mirrorblade, a chronomancer that calls upon his temporal twin. Unlike Temporal Wardens, Mirrorblades train exclusively with melee weapons, and only ever call upon one other timeline for aid. However, this specialized training has resulted in an extremely effective paired combat style.
Adds the Banished, an afflicted class that pours its hate into its arrows and shadowy powers.
Adds the Gemblade class, a (mostly) melee psionic who focuses their energies through a gem wielded in their offhand.
A gemblade typically uses a material focus to model the properties of their blade after, and each chooses their own path.
They may delve into arcane arts, or pursue antimagic training, but most gemblades find a balance between arcane forces and their natural mental capacities.
Adds the Mindslinger as a new, Yeek-only, Psionic subclass.
Mindslingers wield slings in their main-hand and telekenetic weapon slots and gain many bonuses while their off-hand slot is empty, ranging from defense to added procs on ranged attacks.
One part Mindslayer, one part Solipsist, a dash of Skirmisher, just a pinch of Arcane Blade and Cursed, and 100% Grade-A Yeek.
New Talents:
Master the sling and your mind to fire shots infused with Psionic energy.
Learn cunning off-hand gestures to focus your mind and perform powerful defense and offensive feats.
Master the use of Feedback and charge your shots with potent mental forces.
More details in the forum thread.
Icons from
Steam Witch
Adds the Steam Witch, a Tinker sub-class. The Steam Witch was born into time magic but found the ordered ways of the Wardens boring and struck out to find a path of their own. Travelling through time and space they found an affinity for technology and integrated their time magic with steam mechanisms.
Steam Witches are a ranged attack and spell casting class. Their tl;dr description is ‘magical Psyshot’. Class highlights:
Mystic Combat: Steam Witches fight with a steamgun in one hand and a dagger in other, projecting ranged dagger attacks when attacking with the steamgun. Successful dagger attacks will trigger additional effects based on a selected Touch ability (possible magical attack, magic enhancement, or lifesteal regeneration).
Timegear: Use steam-powered devices that are infused with magical effects.
Hexes: Cast hexes on enemies to render them vulnerable to damage types. Later abilities add damage-over-time and effect vulnerabilities to hexes, plus a special attack based on the hexes a target is afflicted with.
Witchbrews: Customize your character build with one of three Brew sustains that enhance either combat, magic, or steampower.
Future Relics: Activate powerful offensive and defensive abilities that require a turn and a large amount of steam to charge up.
Time Magic: Phase away from enemies, deflect and delay damage, repair your timeline, summon a spider familiar, and create walls out of thin air! Be careful though, as Steam Witches lack the rigorous training of Chronomancers and thus do not benefit from and have less control over Paradox.
Clockwork Menagerie: Command an array of mechanical creatures just short of a winged monkey with cymbals.
- 1.2.0 Update: Extensive talent tree modifications/additions; new character creation required for talent changes.
Requires Embers of Rage to play.
Link to forum:
Link to Steam Workshop:
Grove Keeper
Adds the Grove Keeper, a Wilder subclass. The Grove Keeper is pirmarily a mindpower-caster with limited summoning ability, but has the option to mix slings, or one-handed weapons and unarmed attacks, into their skill set. They are also able to become proficient with mindstars and focus wholly on mind-casting. Includes advanced class categories favoring either weapon-hybrid or mind-casting play style, with the advanced hybrid tree working equally well for ranged or melee.
Full details in the forum.
Talent icons from
Class icon from
Inferno Forger
Adds the Inferno Forger, a tinker class. As steamtech swept over Maj'Eyal, some mages adapted to it. Similar to Psyshots, these so-called Inferno Forgers use steampower to enhance their own powers - in this case, fire magic.