Masterful Wanderers
Increase Wanderers' talent masteries to 1.3x.
(if you know how to remove tags from an addon listing, please let me know)
Overloads adventurer.lua.
Resourceful Wanderers
Help Wanderers make use of trees which are otherwise hard or impossible to use due to:
- Insufficient or non-existent resource generation.
- Other dependant talents.
- Missing mastery talents.
- Missing items.
- Anything specific, like Chronomancy/Spellbinding and such.
Any time a category or tree is learned which is dependant on something specific that you don't already have, one or multiple 'Wanderer' trees will be granted locked as well.
These trees are usually at x0.8 mastery, and can have less or more than 4 talents, learnable out-of-order.
Wanderer trees can be removed under certain conditions, and this will fully refund category and talent points. The exact conditions are detailed in each tree's description.
Every Wanderer now knows the Shoot talent from the get-go, and starts with iron mail armour in addition to everything else.
Class: Demolisher
A new tinker class, the Demolisher.
This addon requires the Embers of Rage DLC to function.
Demolishers are designed to be a sort of Steam-Caster, using bombs, drones, and their steam-buggy to destroy their enemies rather than weapons.
New Talents:
Steamtech / Explosive: Plant remote charges with a tiny cooldown and blow them all up at once, lay down minefields, and send suicidal mecharachnid mines towards your foes.
Steamtech / Drones: Send out drones to create storm and smoke, while others hover around for your protection.
Steamtech / Pilot: Your steambuggy is your defense, your offense, and can hold so many explosives.
Steamtech / Engine: Your steambuggy is also the best way to get around. Scorch the ground and flatten your enemies as you zoom around corners.
Steamtech / Battle Machinery
Advanced Talents:
Steamtech / Pyromaniac: Improve your explosives and set everything on fire.
Steamtech / Battlewagon: Upgrade your buggy with more armor, more runes, and more guns.
Steamtech / Automation
Generic Talents:
Steamtech / Tinkers
Steamtech / Engineering
Steamtech / Blacksmith (locked)
Steamtech / Survival
With new graphics by ToME artist rexorcorum
This addon adds the Sapper as a playable class. As it is a Tinker, it will require Embers of Rage DLC to work.
Sappers use their knowledge of steam weaponry to build construct that will fight your foes and destroy the walls of their lair.
They have an automated onarger, serving as a permanent ally. They can manipulate the terrain by digging tunnels and creating impassable pits.
But they are also trained for short range combat and will not hesitate to stick their pickaxe in their enemies' skulls.
They have 9 class trees, including 4 locked ones :
- Battle Machinery
- Siege Engine (new tree) : build 3 different temporary construct that will attack your foes and protect you
- Onager (new tree) : build a permanent construct that will follow you, hurt and disable your foes, and help you reposition
- Tool Combat (new tree) : join the fray, using your knowledge of tools to deconstruct your foes' equipment as you fight, or hit your construct to temporarily improve them instead.
- Death Tools (new tree) : use the carnage of the battlefield to your own advantage
- Trapping (locked)
- Automation (locked)
- Sapper (locked, new tree) : control the field to improve your odds of survival
- Steampunch Arts (locked, new tree) : find new inventive ways to punch your enemies in the face, or embed a pickaxe in their skulls
They have 6 generic trees :
- Combat Training and Survival
- Physics and Chemistry
- Blacksmith
- Engineering
Please report any bugs you find and I will endeavor to fix them ;)
Any input is helpful and appreciated.
If possible, please take discussions and bugs report to the forum thread :
Credits for all the talent and effect icons.
In advance, whoever tries this out and gives me feedback so I can continue to improve it !
1.2.1 :
- 1.2.0 but it actually works (possibly, maybe)
1.2.0 :
- added translation support (possibly, seemed too easy, tell me if it doesn't actually work :D)
- fixed a couple typo
- fixed dead ammunition being given to every siege engine even if you didn't know it
- fixed dead ammunition buff description
1.1.0 :
- Possibly fixed a rare bug with You Shall not Pass and Battle Machinery traps (and other traps ? i couldn't reproduce the bug so...)
- Buffed Onager damage in the early game and nerfed it late game (by ~15%)
- Nerfed Salvage and Tough Love explosion damage by ~20% and ~40%
- Tough Love max charges is now 4 instead of 5
- Fixed Tough Love to properly grant all res rather than physical res to Onager
- Tough Love now automatically targets an enemy if there is only one in melee and no allies in melee
- Tough Love explosion now also reduce the summon lifespan by 1
- Nerfed Ram base damage by ~15%, and bonus damage by 25%
- Fixed Ram to properly check for stun resistance
- Ram ramming a Ram now has a special interaction
- Nerfed Polybolos and Scorpio durability, they have increased life rating but no longer gain CON
- Scaled Polybolos and Scorpio stat gain with level (worse early, slightly stronger late)
- Buffed Lay Siege cd 25 --> 15
- Buffed Line of Fire cd 18 --> 12
- Nerfed Dig In : all res, crit shrug, and cleanse reduced by ~25%, but regen boosted
- Revised Onager munitions : Fire now deal ~25% more damage, and Bleed damage reduction scale with TL (roughly the same at 5/5)
- Revised Dead Ammunitions : no longer reduce damage, but talent fail chance is increased
- Buffed Cannonball : cd fixed at 8, range increased
- A whole new unarmed tree !
1.0.2 :
- Salvage now target a party member by default rather than an enemy
- Fixed a bug with Annihilator talent when playing adventurer
- Fixed Dig In buff not going away when deactivating the sustain
- Clarified a couple description
- Onager now comes back to you when you get more than 10 tiles away from it, without regards for walls and other obstacles
- Nerfed Tough Love heal power by about 25%
- Buffed Polybolos and Scorpio early game damage (no more 2 damage per shot at level 1 !)
1.0.1 :
- Because Rexorcorum is a wonderful person, wielded pickaxe are now visible on player doll <3
- Spelling fixes, clarity added to some descriptions
- Cannonball now properly checks for unarmed
- Salvage properly deals damage around the siege engine and not yourself
- Learning Onager now automatically fulfills the requirement of 100 summons for Blighted Summoning
1.0.0 : release !
Steam Witch
Adds the Steam Witch, a Tinker sub-class. The Steam Witch was born into time magic but found the ordered ways of the Wardens boring and struck out to find a path of their own. Travelling through time and space they found an affinity for technology and integrated their time magic with steam mechanisms.
Steam Witches are a ranged attack and spell casting class. Their tl;dr description is ‘magical Psyshot’. Class highlights:
Mystic Combat: Steam Witches fight with a steamgun in one hand and a dagger in other, projecting ranged dagger attacks when attacking with the steamgun. Successful dagger attacks will trigger additional effects based on a selected Touch ability (possible magical attack, magic enhancement, or lifesteal regeneration).
Timegear: Use steam-powered devices that are infused with magical effects.
Hexes: Cast hexes on enemies to render them vulnerable to damage types. Later abilities add damage-over-time and effect vulnerabilities to hexes, plus a special attack based on the hexes a target is afflicted with.
Witchbrews: Customize your character build with one of three Brew sustains that enhance either combat, magic, or steampower.
Future Relics: Activate powerful offensive and defensive abilities that require a turn and a large amount of steam to charge up.
Time Magic: Phase away from enemies, deflect and delay damage, repair your timeline, summon a spider familiar, and create walls out of thin air! Be careful though, as Steam Witches lack the rigorous training of Chronomancers and thus do not benefit from and have less control over Paradox.
Clockwork Menagerie: Command an array of mechanical creatures just short of a winged monkey with cymbals.
- 1.2.0 Update: Extensive talent tree modifications/additions; new character creation required for talent changes.
Requires Embers of Rage to play.
Link to forum:
Link to Steam Workshop:
Last Hope archery training
Last Hope basic training in weapon shop.
- Technique/Combat Training for 50 GP;
- Shoot (hidden talent) for 8 GP;
- Generic use of bows or slings (Bow & Sling Matery, generic talent tree) for 42 GP;
- Technique/Archery-Bow (class talent tree) for 200 GP;
- Technique/Archery-Sling (class talent tree) for 200 GP;
- Generic usage of steam-powered weapons (Technique/Steamtech) for 256GP;
- Normal (but still limited) usage of steamguns or steamsaws (Steamtech/Gunner-Training|Steamtech/Butchery) for 512GP;
- Steamtech/Bullets Mastery xor Steamtech/Battlefield Management for 1024GP;
- Access to tinker stuff in loot for 2GP.
p.s. I was very annoyed with inability of rogues for use of bows or slings.
p.p.s. ... and I like to craft things. Useful things.
p.p.p.s. fixed wrong branch upload :(
Steam Review
What I am trying to post on Steam. Not sure why but Steam is being difficult in publishing it so I am preserving it here. This is the first draft so it may be a bit disjointed. I plan to clean it up eventually.
I'll start this by telling you that I've been playing TOME since it was Tales of Middle Earth. That's right, originally it was based on Tolkien's work and was an offshoot of a long lineage of games directly related to Rogue, via Moria and then Angband. There was a middle variant in there at some point called Pernband.
Some back story:
At some point DarkGod (the main dev) decided to rewrite the client because the old angband client was full of spaghetti code and it became untenable. So came t-engine. Tome was then written as a module of T-engine (all made by DarkGod for no $$ I might add.)
In Tome 3 there were Jedi!!! and other fun ideas but it was chaotic. Tome 3 was a mess, (Tome 4 was much cleaner.) But it was still pretty opaque as Roguelikes go. I would tinker with it, have fun with lost souls etc and then get bored. So I went the way of many players got involved in other games only came back periodically when I got a yen for playing with Lightsabers again. At some point, I noticed Tome 4 was progressing and downloaded and everything was different.
Gone were most of the touches of the Angband and Tolkien worlds. You can still see a few here and there but TOME had become Tales Of Maj Eyal with an original story and a total reworking of the graphics and mechanics. On and off Ive done some beta testing (though my forums account from then was deleted more than once so I guess being inactive on the forums is a good way to get culled.)
At some point I managed a couple of end games. I won once and once I sacrificed my guy (I still don't know why that doesn't count as a win...)
Every time I came back more and more stuff was added and then I saw that they had finally made the leap to Steam. I wanted to buy it immediately because I believe in the game and the devs and why not support them? But I was reticent with all the other games I have and also had to wait for money to pay for it anyway.
I probably should not have waited but I did and when I did finally get the steam version I was not disappointed with either the basic game or the DLC (which I had no previous knowledge of.)
Divergent note that tangentially relates to this review:
Bob Dylan has said on songwriting that if you can't change a song, if you can't mess with the words or change the arrangements it is dead and you should bury it. That is a paraphrase because I don't have the exact quote on hand. But this is how I feel about games. TOME is a living game, always changing.
Many pay to play games are not. They merely make some stuff they took out initially available for DLCs when the wells run dry. TOME is not like those games. TOME is developed by a caring group of dedicated players and programmers who are making an epic play experience.
Yes epic. You have a ton of races and classes which unlock as you play. Sometimes the unlock is just something you were going to do anyway but sometimes in true RPG fashion you have to investigate and figure out some puzzle or quest to get the unlock you want. And you can unlock them in something like 9 different modes. The game offers 50 levels of experience in whatever build combo you choose. As you learn more about classes and races you find yourself getting deeper into the decision making process and you realize you have many more choices than you will quickly be able to play with. This could take a long time. As is without any further changes. And the game changes from game to game so you may not always get an event or area you thought you might. And different play styles create vastly different approaches and in-game storylines.
There was a lot of discussion when Maj'Eyal became the world of the game about how terribly difficult the game was (is) so now there are multiple modes for discovering the game. The most rewarding depends on your personality and proclivities as a gamer. You can play with Easy and Exploration and virtually never risk death, or you can unlock, insanity and madness modes and play only in true Roguelike fashion (1 life, though there are items you can find to hedge that bet.) Or you could play as I do on Normal with Adventurous. To each player their own. This is an innovation I wish more devs would think about. Multiple play modes for multiple types of players means more fun for everyone.
The game has a few pit falls. It is deep so it is not hard to get into trouble if you are tired, hungry or bored. Don't do that. Play when you are fresh and excited and keep it that way. You won't complete it in a day. (The main quest line takes a minimum of 10 hours I think if you skip everything else and I highly recomend you don't do that.)
You may also find that the game lore is hard to penetrate. This is partially due to writing style and partially because who wants to read so much of it? Yes you should read the lore the first time you encounter it at the very least. You may or may not glean valuable clues from it but if you need to you can go back to it later. Once you have unlocked certain features you will be able to access ALL of the lore you've ever seen as a player.
You may notice that I am not giving a lot of specifics here because part of the fun of this game is playing it unspoiled. You can of course look stuff up or ask for spoilers if you aren't into all that.
I will say the sound effects while fairly professional are not my cup of tea. I am not really a game sounds kind of player though. I typically turn sound off in games I play and I only checked them out in TOME out of curiousity. You might find them entertaining. Apparently, also there is music. Something I didn't check out. (I am an older guy with a very staid taste in music. If it isn't Classic Rock. Folk, Blues or Soul from the 60s-70s then it probably isn't on my mp3 player. Though I do enjoy more varied styles, when I am gaming that's mainly what I listen to.)
I write all this mainly to enthuse about how much I am enjoying playing TOME again and want you to know it is worth every penny to buy it on steam. The community addons alone make the game extremely customizable.
Gandolfo in game chat, Winter Wolf on Steam.