Grove Keeper
Adds the Grove Keeper, a Wilder subclass. The Grove Keeper is pirmarily a mindpower-caster with limited summoning ability, but has the option to mix slings, or one-handed weapons and unarmed attacks, into their skill set. They are also able to become proficient with mindstars and focus wholly on mind-casting. Includes advanced class categories favoring either weapon-hybrid or mind-casting play style, with the advanced hybrid tree working equally well for ranged or melee.
Full details in the forum.
Talent icons from
Class icon from
Grove Keeper forum discussion thread
Grove Keeper on Steam's Workshop
See addon usage in the character's vault.
(11 votes)
Name | Module Version Required | Released | File |
Start Rebalance | 1.7.4 | 2021-12-31 18:20 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.14 | 1.7.2 | 2020-11-08 22:50 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.13 | 1.7.0 | 2020-11-01 20:00 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.12 | 1.7.0 | 2020-10-31 18:21 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.11 | 1.7.0 | 2020-10-31 03:36 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.10 | 1.7.0 | 2020-10-30 01:32 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.9 | 1.6.7 | 2020-10-10 01:27 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.3 | 1.6.7 | 2020-05-01 01:47 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.2 | 1.6.7 | 2020-04-26 21:39 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
v1.2.1(steam fix maybe) | 1.6.6 | 2020-02-01 20:35 |
tome-grovekeeper.teaa |
Treants don't count as plant ally.
"Verdant song", "Transplant" and "Botanikal Strike" not affecting Treants, summoned by Thalorn's "Nature's Pride", despite that they are plants.
It gives you an off hand, unarmored attack but could one also go fully unarmed? Or does it only work if you have a weapon in main hand? I understand that it should be possible to use a mindstar offhand and that Barkfist still counts as unarmed? (even if the char sheet doesn't show it?). I noticed the activated skills only work with a weapon in the main hand, which I see as intentional.
Re: Barkfist
Barkfist and the Treekin talents are intended to only work with a mainhand weapon and an empty offhand. Barkfist will not function with any offhand weapon, even a mindstar. Barkfist will also not function without a mainhand weapon; any type of weapon is fine as long as it is in the mainhand. Totally unarmed is not possible.
Bark Guard, from the Bark generic talent tree, does function with an offhand mindstar, but not with any other offhand.
I hope that clears it up and thanks for trying the class :)
Re: Barkfist thanks!
Thank you for the information. And yes I do like the class :)
Tried to post about this on the forums, I'll post it here too.
Love the idea of the mod, but it threw a bunch of errors when I was trying a run with it just now. The basic spore ability refused to allow itself to be targeted with bothy keyboard and mouse, throwing errors like
Lua Error: /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:137: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:164: /engine/interface/ActorTemporaryEffects.lua:123: attempt to index local 'ed' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
/engine/interface/ActorTemporaryEffects.lua:123: in function 'setEffect'
data-grovekeeper/damage_types.lua:105: in function 'projector'
/engine/interface/ActorProject.lua:259: in function 'base_project'
...eholder-efix/superload/engine/interface/ActorProject.lua:17: in function 'project'
/data-grovekeeper/talents/gifts/symbiosis.lua:54: in function
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:162: in function
At [C]:-1
At [C]:-1 error
At /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:137 fct
At /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:143 targetMode
At /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:280 targetMouse
At /mod/class/Game.lua:2530 fct
At /engine/Mouse.lua:71
The only difference between it and the non-mouse version was:
At [C]:-1
At [C]:-1 error
At /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:137 fct
At /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:143 targetMode
At /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:212
At /engine/KeyBind.lua:231
The shineleaf plant was another interesting oddity. It provided EXP when killed, and also threw errors (while still functioning) any time its effect pulsed while it had enemies within its radius of effect.
Lua Error: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:329: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:302: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:164: /engine/interface/ActorTemporaryEffects.lua:123: attempt to index local 'ed' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
/engine/interface/ActorTemporaryEffects.lua:123: in function 'setEffect'
data-grovekeeper/damage_types.lua:66: in function 'projector'
/engine/interface/ActorProject.lua:259: in function 'base_project'
...eholder-efix/superload/engine/interface/ActorProject.lua:17: in function 'project'
/data-grovekeeper/talents/gifts/botany.lua:193: in function
[C]: in function 'xpcall'
/engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:162: in function
At [C]:-1
At [C]:-1 error
At /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:329 useTalent
At /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:418 forceUseTalent
At /mod/class/Actor.lua:6445 base_forceUseTalent
At /mod/addons/zomnibus/superload/mod/class/Actor.lua:261 forceUseTalent
At /data-grovekeeper/talents/gifts/botany.lua:175
At /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:1154 callTalent
At /mod/class/Actor.lua:6069 fireTalentCheck
At /mod/class/Actor.lua:779 act
At /mod/addons/improved-restauto/superload/mod/class/Actor.lua:8 act
At /mod/class/NPC.lua:70 act
At /engine/GameEnergyBased.lua:129 tickLevel
At /engine/GameEnergyBased.lua:64 tick
At /engine/GameTurnBased.lua:51 tick
At /mod/class/Game.lua:1534
Try Without Other Add-ons?
Your forum post might not show for a while if it's your first. This is an odd error, but I have seen it crop up before. It was do to a conflict with another add-on in each case, and though I haven't seen a report of it before with Grove Keeper, I'm fairly sure that's the case here as well. I was working on this class earlier today and had no issues. You could test pretty quickly by trying a run with other add-ons turned off. If that doesn't resolve the issue, please let me know. If you're able to identify which add-on is conflicting, if that is the case, I can try to see what might be causing the issue and possibly contact the creator.
Thanks for the report :)
Figured out, but found another one.
Turning everything off had it work fine (at least with the issues I was having); the mod in question seemed to be Beholder (Eye Fix), which... Eh. If you want to contact the mod author to figure out what's up, feel free, but it's sort of a separate experience mod from what I've experienced playing with it.
That being said, once I had it working again... Well, I didn't get to play around that much without it working prior, but getting a little deeper into a playthrough (Lv6 or so), I encountered another set of errors. The trigger for these appeared to be having the... er. Barkskin? Bark-something shield up and taking enough damage to bring it down to 0. They'd only crop up after that happened, occurred when attempting to target enemies with abilities, at least one time when getting hit again, and at least one time when attempting to attack an enemy with a sling. The abilities and the like would actually trigger; it'd just complain. Once the shield had a chance to replenish, even just a little, the errors wouldn't occur until it had been depleted again.
This would occur for targeting things...
And this would occur in other cases.
Not sure if this is also due to a mod, but just thought I'd mention it.
My fault
This one looks like it's my fault. I recently reworked how the Bark Guard visual is applied/removed and it looks like I didn't test thoroughly enough. I'll take a look as soon as I can and should be able to sort it out pretty quickly.
Thanks again for your report :)
No problem. The class looks
No problem. The class looks really fun to play, so I'm happy to give helpful reports, lol
Thanks again for the report :)
Lua Error but not a crash
Lua Error: /engine/interface/GameTargeting.lua:137: /engine/interface/ActorTalents.lua:164: /data-grovekeeper/talents/gifts/botany.lua:537: bad argument #1 to 'distance' (number expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[ONLINE PROFILE] sending error
[LOG] #YELLOW#Error report sent, thank you.
Had this error appear when I tried to teleport on my lightplant while having the plant song active. I think all it did was fail to spawn the second light plant. Been really enjoying this class so far, love all the different ways you can mix and match the builds.
Thank You
Thanks for the bug report; I will take a look into that. I'm slowly working on decent sized update that is mostly tweaks and bug fixes, so I will add this to the list and see about wrapping it up soon.