
Gladiator Fork

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This fork updates Combat Vigor to use 1.7+ dispel, and reduces lash/thrust cooldown to 0 at lv5 so increased attack speed will not lead to downtime. It also adds whip/trident icons to their respective talents so you can tell at a glance which is which.
Adds the Gladiator, a warrior subclass. Gladiators are weapons experts and can wield one-handed weapons in either hand with ease, however, they are also proficient with two-handed weapons and shields.
They learn many techniques for use with Axes, Maces, Swords and even more exotic weapons. Gladiators are able to quickly swap weapons and stack numerous detrimental effects on their foes, then finish them off with techniques that grow more deadly the more devastated their enemies become.
Includes six new class trees and one new generic tree, allowing for a variety of builds. Will you wield maces and shields and wear your foes down while sheltered inside your armor or put defense aside, pick up a pair of waraxes and become The Axebutcher?


Short Name: 

Adds the Gladiator, a warrior subclass. Gladiators are weapons experts and can wield one-handed weapons in either hand with ease, however they are also proficient with two-handed weapons and shields.
They learn many techniques for use with Axes, Maces, Swords and even more exotic weapons. Gladiators are able to quickly swap weapons and stack numerous detrimental effects on their foes, then finish them off with skills that grow more deadly the more devastated their enemies become.
Includes six new class trees and one new generic tree, allowing for a variety of builds. Will you wield maces and shields and wear your foes down while sheltered inside your armor or put defense aside, pick up a pair of waraxes and become The Axebutcher?

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