Bugfix: Novice Mage Always Spawns

Bugfix: Novice Mage Always Spawns

Currently for players spawned in Point Zero or Kroshkurr (and maybe Angolwen?), the Novice Mage, who is actually the archmage Tarelion, may not spawn and thus Angolwen may be unaccessible. This addon
version I: makes him spawn on the field near Derth,
version II: makes these players spawn on the field near Derth on their first visit to the wilderness,
and thus fixes this problem.

Bugfix: Novice Mage Always Spawns forum discussion thread
See addon usage in the character's vault.
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Name Module Version Required Released File
Bugfix: Tarelion Always Spawns II 1.5.10 2019-09-21 18:26
tome-tarelion bugfix.teaa
Bugfix: Tarelion Always Spawns I 1.5.10 2019-09-21 14:35
tome-tarelion bugfix.teaa