
Boneling Talent Tree

Short Name: 

Adds in the Boneling tree for Corrupters and Reavers. Summon forth a swarm of self-replicating(and self-destructive) Boneling minions.
Level 10 - Willpower
Defiler - Corrupter/Reaver
Bone Carver

Carve two Bonelings from target foe's body, dealing Moderate Physical damage.

Bonelings are weak melee attackers. Whenever they land an attack on a foe, they spawn another Boneling, up to a maximum which scales with TL and Willpower.
Bonelings move slowly, are prone to kiting, and can only spread to tiles adjacent to themselves.

All Bonelings despawn together after a Minor to Moderate duration.


Overload target Boneling with extra Vim, causing it to explode for High Physical damage in a small radius. The primary explosion can hurt friendlies.

Additionally, upon learning this talent, any Bonelings that die via any means explode for Minor Physical damage in a radius of 1. The secondary explosion does not hurt friendlies.

Collar Bone

Must target foe that is surrounded by at least 2 Bonelings.

All adjacent Bonelings sacrifice themselves to attach to target foe, reducing their damage dealt for 5 turns by a Moderate value.
The act causes the foe to Bleed for major damage for 5 turns.

Both values increase based on the number of sacrificed Bonelings.

Rough Ribbed

You have learnt to intwine yourself with your Bonelings.
Whenever a new Boneling is spawnt, you reduce the cooldown of Bone Carver by 1. (Or regain 1 Vim if it isn't cooling down.)
Whenever a Bonelings expires in Melee range of you, you heal for Minor Life.
At Talent Level 5, any Bonelings in melee range of yourself can absorb an incoming debuff, destroying themself in the process.

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