lightning speed

Post Effects fixes

Short Name: 

The addon improves gamefield view during different post effects
For example, it's hard enough to see anything around you while having invisibility and confusion/sleep statuses at the same time

Here is details about what been changed:
- Invisibility status no longer cause whole screen to go blue. The character outline-only effect still applies and it's enough to check your status on a glance
- Invisibility status no longer cause whole screen blur effect.
- Lightning Speed status no longer cause whole screen to go blue. Blur effect still applies though
- Lightning Speed status will no longer apply blur if you have Confused/Sleep statuses (which also make things blurried)
- Unstoppable status now makes whole screen a bit more brighter-red so it's easier to see stuff
- Unstoppable shader now have higher priority over Stealth, so if you activate Unstoppable while being stealthed - you'll see visual change
- Frozen state no longer causes whole screen to become greenish. This effect was caused by no_healing state, but in the frozen state last thing you going to care about is no_healing, and it's not even obvious

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