
Y Tooltip

Short Name: 

Display more infomation in actor's tooltip. And add a hotkey to show actor's talents at cursor.

Showing Order: (+) is added, (*) is heavily modified
- Name (Range)
- Type / Subtype (gender)
- (*) Size (related talents helper) if size related talents are involved
- Level, Rank
- class
- (+) prodigy if the actor have
- invulnerability
- (*) Life [NegativeLife] +Regen (Healmod)
- Solipsism Psi if the actor have
- Iceblock if the actor freezed
- Manaburnable Resources if player is antimagic
- Summon Timer if the actor are summoned creature
- Vim Gain after kill if player has vim pool

- (+) Damage Modifiers
- (+) Damage Penetrations
- Damage Resists
- (+) Damage Affinities

- (+) Speeds
- (+) Crit Chance
- Crit Mult
- (+) Crit Shrug Off / Reduction
- (*) Weapon Damage, APR, Crit, Range, ego
- Armour (Hardiness)
- Melee Retaliation

- Predator Bonus if player know
- Accuracy, Defense
- Power, Save
- (+) Status Immunities

- Status Effects
- Sustains

- Faction
- Target
- Guess hiding player place if player is hidden
- (+) Stealth, Invisible helper if player is hidden
- (+) vs Stealth, Invisible

- Flavor Text
- Killed by you

These can be hidden or shown in only normal or detailed (ctrl pressed) tooltips
- Type / Subtype (gender)
- Prodigies
- Manaburnable resources
- Vim Gain
- vs Stealth, Invisible
- Faction
- Flavor text
- Killed by you

These can be always shown or hidden regardless of the related talents involved
- Size
- Stealth, Invisible helper

These can set threshold
- Damage Modifiers
- Damage Penetration
- Damage Resists
- Damage Affinities
- Crit Mult
- Melee Retaliation

Move flavor text to the bottom. Because some characters have very long flavor text that get in the way of seeing important infomation.

Range that is displayed on terrain tooltip in base game is also displayed next to actor's name. Because sometimes actor's tooltip is so long that need to wait scrolling to see the range.

Group relevant infomation.
And color labels to weak-group offense and defense.

Color DamageType. And change colors that hard to see.

Since name and level of talents is not enough information, add a way to open the actor's talents tab of character sheet quickly instead of displaying talents in the actor's tooltip.


Special Thanks:
- Plenum Tooltip Custom Edit
- Nexus improved tooltips

Weight: 160

- mod/class/Actor.lua:tooltip()
- mod/class/NPC.lua:tooltip()
- mod/class/Game.lua:setupCommands()

Nexus improved tooltips

Short Name: 

This small addon saves your time giving the ability to evaluate target's status resistances quickly.
Also displays type of sustained talents and beneficial effects (for dispel purpose): ph - physical, sp - spell, m - mind, o - other (uncategorized).
Plus a bit of additional info
Some examples here:

Plenum Tooltip Custom Edit

Short Name: 

Plenum ToolTip Custom Edit: Enhanced Plenum tooltip display for ToME version 0.3 for ToME 1.6.1

This addon replaces the normal tooltip for actors in TOME with a more detailed description of monster abilities and characteristics. It adds to the standard tooltip detailed information on speed, main-hand, off-hand, and ranged damage, and damage modifiers and extra crit power, including damage penetration and damage affinities, plus retaliation damage, depending on what options are selected (from a tab in Game Options menu). This makes it much easier to inspect multiple monsters and quickly identify the most threatening. By holding a meta-key (ctrl, alt, or shift) and hovering the mouse over a monster, information on its status immunities and talents is displayed.

In addition, information on temporary terrain features (like smoke and darkness) and map effects (from spells and the like) will be displayed in the terrain tooltip if the appropriate options are enabled.

This addon is originally developed by Hachem_Muche and continued by sSs1897.

version changes:

version 2.7 for ToME 1.5.0:

-- updated for cold flames
-- negative life levels now display (for the player only)

custom edit version 0.1 for ToME 1.6.1:
-- added class display in normal gameplay
-- added talent highlighting
-- added crit chance display

version 0.2:
-- added steam power/ crit (steam speed is not important)
-- togglable crit chance
-- togglable description
-- added regen if over 20
-- display negative life for enemies

version 0.3:
-- ranked res/dmg mods/pen based on value
-- reworked talent highlighting

version 0.4:
-- added high damage talents by hijacking damDesc, thanks to @梦幻泡影
-- minor bug fix

Nexus improved tooltips

Short Name: 

Displays randomly assigned classes of actors rank rare and higher, status immunities, sustains/beneficial effects type and a bit more info in tooltips

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