
Disable Monospace Fonts in Tooltips + Chat

Short Name: 

I personally find the difference between how the default font is rendered
in the menus, log, skill tree, etc., and the way it's rendered in (item)
tooltips and the user chat a bit annoying.

This addon makes it so the user's chosen default font is rendered for both
tooltips and the user chat, streamlining font display a little bit.

Cleaner Item Descriptions-ce

Short Name: 

This is a fork of Better Item Descriptions that simply makes the tooltip larger and uses long phrases instead of abbreviations.

You still shouldn't use it if you don't know what item stats mean already.

Works with zOmnibus's inscription-compare feature
- sorts all stats by category
- item's passive power always the same blue color
- item's usable power - always yellow
- all rarity categories are displayed
- encumbrance value moved to the right under item name
- "on hit" powers always green
- "Stats" have an orange highlight and placed before others

Display terrain effects

Short Name: 

Original code from Plenum ToolTips. This addon displays WHO made WHAT(slime, fire, darkness etc.) stuff on a tile when you mouse over it, before you have to step over it and watch the log. I made this addon so it will compatible with other tooltip mods. If you are already using Plenum ToolTips, this addon is useless.
将 Plenum ToolTips 中显示地形效果的功能独立出来,查看地格时就能直接看到有哪些效果,以及效果来源,显示格式与游戏日志中相同。这个插件可以与其它同样修改信息栏的插件兼容,如果你已经在使用 Plenum ToolTips 了,这个插件对你没有意义。

Modified Item Descriptions

Short Name: 

这是基于 Cleaner Item Descriptions 制作的插件,为中文玩家进行了汉化。
This is a fork of Cleaner Item Descriptions that translated for Chinese players.
Other tweaks:
Tooltip are always opaque no matter locked or not.
Some attributes are displayed in a group instead of seperate lines.
Adjust the display order of several attributes.

Inventory Tooltip Away

Short Name: 

Request from Yrol Denjeah on the Discord.

Adjusts the behavior of the Inventory to not have anything "selected" and displaying its tooltip when your mouse is not actively on top of a list element (e.g. below the bottom of the list, when your inventory is mostly empty).

Inspired by Zizzo's marvelous Tooltip Cleanup, works alongside it, and should be used with it for consistent behavior between the inventory and the equip doll.

Technical Notes/Known Issues:
  • Switching between mouse and keyboard controls can cause tooltips to behave like they would without this addon. This is a temporary confusion of the state; moving your mouse over the list and then off again will properly show and hide tooltips. That is, any keyboard use will force tooltips to reappear, and will remain drawn until you enter and then leave the list area.
  • Changing inventory tabs, either by clicking on them or using the keyboard, will cause the tooltip of the first item in the new tab to display. This is proving to be tricky to solve, but a minor issue for most people.
  • This invokes a "dirty superload" of ListColumns:display (under very specific circumstances when used as part of ShowEquipInven.) Some very rare incompatibilities with other UI addons may arise. Please let me know if any behavior not mentioned above results, such as Lua errors or the UI breaking.

Better Item Description Filter

Short Name: 

A combination of Deogo's Better Item Description and my Item Description Filter Plus (based on yutio's Item Description Filter).
Can hide undesired properties in item description. Ctrl + Shift+ Alt + F to open configuration dialog. Also able to hide some or all combat properties in game option.
For staves, all bonuses offered by Command Staff is described separately and cannot be filtered.

Cleaner Item Descriptions for Korean

Short Name: 

This is a fork of Better Item Descriptions for Korean.

Y Tooltip

Short Name: 

Display more infomation in actor's tooltip. And add a hotkey to show actor's talents at cursor.

Showing Order: (+) is added, (*) is heavily modified
- Name (Range)
- Type / Subtype (gender)
- (*) Size (related talents helper) if size related talents are involved
- Level, Rank
- class
- (+) prodigy if the actor have
- invulnerability
- (*) Life [NegativeLife] +Regen (Healmod)
- Solipsism Psi if the actor have
- Iceblock if the actor freezed
- Manaburnable Resources if player is antimagic
- Summon Timer if the actor are summoned creature
- Vim Gain after kill if player has vim pool

- (+) Damage Modifiers
- (+) Damage Penetrations
- Damage Resists
- (+) Damage Affinities

- (+) Speeds
- (+) Crit Chance
- Crit Mult
- (+) Crit Shrug Off / Reduction
- (*) Weapon Damage, APR, Crit, Range, ego
- Armour (Hardiness)
- Melee Retaliation

- Predator Bonus if player know
- Accuracy, Defense
- Power, Save
- (+) Status Immunities

- Status Effects
- Sustains

- Faction
- Target
- Guess hiding player place if player is hidden
- (+) Stealth, Invisible helper if player is hidden
- (+) vs Stealth, Invisible

- Flavor Text
- Killed by you

These can be hidden or shown in only normal or detailed (ctrl pressed) tooltips
- Type / Subtype (gender)
- Prodigies
- Manaburnable resources
- Vim Gain
- vs Stealth, Invisible
- Faction
- Flavor text
- Killed by you

These can be always shown or hidden regardless of the related talents involved
- Size
- Stealth, Invisible helper

These can set threshold
- Damage Modifiers
- Damage Penetration
- Damage Resists
- Damage Affinities
- Crit Mult
- Melee Retaliation

Move flavor text to the bottom. Because some characters have very long flavor text that get in the way of seeing important infomation.

Range that is displayed on terrain tooltip in base game is also displayed next to actor's name. Because sometimes actor's tooltip is so long that need to wait scrolling to see the range.

Group relevant infomation.
And color labels to weak-group offense and defense.

Color DamageType. And change colors that hard to see.

Since name and level of talents is not enough information, add a way to open the actor's talents tab of character sheet quickly instead of displaying talents in the actor's tooltip.


Special Thanks:
- Plenum Tooltip Custom Edit
- Nexus improved tooltips

Weight: 160

- mod/class/Actor.lua:tooltip()
- mod/class/NPC.lua:tooltip()
- mod/class/Game.lua:setupCommands()

Cleaner Item Descriptions

Short Name: 

This is a fork of Better Item Descriptions that simply makes the tooltip larger and uses long phrases instead of abbreviations.
It also works with zOmnibus's Inscription Compare feature.
- sorts all stats by category
- item's passive power always the same blue color
- item's usable power - always yellow
- all rarity categories are displayed
- encumbrance value moved to the right under item name
- "on hit" powers always green
- "Stats" have an orange highlight and placed before others

If you hold ALT before mousing over an item, you can see its vanilla description.

If you ask what part of a description means, everyone gets to laugh at you.

However, feel free to suggest better phrasing.

Nexus improved tooltips

Short Name: 

This small addon saves your time giving the ability to evaluate target's status resistances quickly.
Also displays type of sustained talents and beneficial effects (for dispel purpose): ph - physical, sp - spell, m - mind, o - other (uncategorized).
Plus a bit of additional info
Some examples here:

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