Display terrain effects
Original code from Plenum ToolTips. This addon displays WHO made WHAT(slime, fire, darkness etc.) stuff on a tile when you mouse over it, before you have to step over it and watch the log. I made this addon so it will compatible with other tooltip mods. If you are already using Plenum ToolTips, this addon is useless.
将 Plenum ToolTips 中显示地形效果的功能独立出来,查看地格时就能直接看到有哪些效果,以及效果来源,显示格式与游戏日志中相同。这个插件可以与其它同样修改信息栏的插件兼容,如果你已经在使用 Plenum ToolTips 了,这个插件对你没有意义。
See addon usage in the character's vault.
Name | Module Version Required | Released | File |
initial | 1.7.4 | 2023-12-17 18:14 |
tome-terrainfo.teaa |