Character sheet
The character sheet can be found by pressing 'c' in-game. It has 4 tabs:
- General, Attack, Defense, Talents, and Equipment
These provide an overview of your character and RESCALED values for your abilities. You can also hover your mouse over your own character, or use the 'L'ook command on yourself to see some of these stats.
See page on experience.
The game tracks of the size of each character with a numeric value, which is also used for any formula that may involve sizes. The correspondence between the textual description of a size and its numeric value is as follows: tiny (1), small (2), medium (3), big (4), huge (5), gargantuan (6+).
The player character's initial size category depends on their race. Most races are medium (3), but Halflings and Yeeks are small (2), and Ogres and Krogs are big (4).
Size is a stat with no direct impact on your character. However, it does affect the following things:
- Ogre power reduction for wielding a 2h weapon with an offhand
- The Wyrmic talent, Swallow
- The Brawler talent tree, Grappling
- The attack speed of the artifact, Colaryem
- The damage of the prodigy, You Shall Be My Weapon
Size can be increased by the following means:
- Belt Egos: "monstrous" increases by 1, "of the giants" increases by 1
- Boot Egos: "of massiveness" increases by 1
- Talents: Massive Physique increases by 1 after reaching raw talent level 5, Deeprock Form increases by 2 while active, Destroyer increases by 2 while active, Overgrowth increases by 2 while active, Assume Form and Ominous Form increases or decreases size category to match the stolen body's size
- Prodigy: I Can Carry The World! increases by 1
- Unique item: Behemoth Hide increases by 1, Mighty Girdle increases by 2 if you are also wearing Snow Giant Wraps
See page on resources.
Encumbrance is the amount of weight your character can hold without becoming burdened. All items have a certain weight, usually standard by item type. For example, jewelry has encumbrance of 0.1; heavy armor has 14. Your character has a maximum encumbrance which is increased by increasing your Strength or by certain items. Current encumbrance is the amount being carried right now, and can be reduced by certain spells or abilities.
If your current encumbrance rises above your maximum encumbrance, you will be unable to move. You will need to drop items, or wait for the effect reducing your maximum encumbrance to wear off.
Speed determine how quickly you can perform actions relative to the other actors in the game. Speed is always relative to YOU. Other actors (NPCs, monsters) will either act less quickly or more quickly, depending on your speeds. In practice it means you may be able to move, cast or attack several times before they do; or they may move, cast, or attack several times before you do.
There are several measures of speed.
- Global Speed: Affects all actions. At 100% speed you have the energy to perform one 'action' per turn. At 200% speed you can perform two 'actions' per turn. Other actors will appear to be acting less quickly in comparison to you.
- Movement Speed: This is the increase or decrease from your normal movement speed. For example, 20.00% means you will move 20% farther in the same length of time as you would normally move. 100% would allow you to move twice as far. -100% would only let you move half as far.
- Spell Speed: This is the increase or decrease from your normal movement speed. For example, 20.00% means you will be able to cast 20% more spells (or a spell takes 20% less time to cast) as you would be able to cast. 100% would allow you to cast spells twice as fast; -100% means spells would be cast twice as slowly.
- Attack Speed: This is the increase or decrease from your attack movement speed. For example, 20.00% means you will be able to attack 20% faster as you would be able to normally. 100% would allow you to make twice as many attacks; -100% means you would make half the amount of attacks in the same amount of time - monsters would get more than one attack to your single.
- Mental Speed: This is the increase or decrease from your mental ability speed (any ability with "Is: a mind power"). For example, 20.00% means you will be able to use this ability 20% faster than usual. 100% would allow you to use the ability twice as often; -100% means you would use abilities at half the effective rate - monsters would get more than one action to your single.
Global Speed and other speeds stack. If you have 200% speed and -100% movement speed, you have the energy to perform actions twice a round, but you only move half the distance. You would end up moving the same distance each round.
See page on vision.
These are strength, dexterity, constitution, magic, willpower and cunning and are described under stats.
See page on inscriptions.
This will indicate what sustained and temporary effects are applied to the character.
Accuracy and Defense
Accuracy determines your character's ability to land weapon attacks. It is the counterpart of Defense. It uses the same mechanics as saving throws to determine if an attack hits. When you use Accuracy to inflict temporary physical effects on an enemy, every point your opponent's relevant saving throw exceeds your Accuracy will reduce the duration of the effect by 5%.
The Accuracy formula is:
4 + (Dexterity - 10) * 1.00 + Luck * 0.40 + Accuracy bonuses from Combat Accuracy + Accuracy bonuses from equipment + Accuracy bonuses or penalties from effects
Raw Accuracy is rescaled to produce the final Accuracy value.
In addition to this, for each point of effective accuracy over the enemy's defense (up to 100 excess accuracy), you get a bonus depending on your weapon type. The different types of bonuses can be found at Items.
Defense determines a character's ability to dodge weapon attacks (including unarmed attacks). Ranged Defense is a separate stat but uses the same formula.
The Defense formula is:
Defense bonuses from equipment + (Dexterity - 10) * 0.35 + Defense bonuses from talents + Luck * 0.4
Raw Defense is rescaled to produce the final Defense value.
Power and Saves
Physical power, spellpower, and mindpower represent your character's physical, magical, and mental abilities. They determine how much damage your talents in each category will deal, and whether those talents can successfully inflict status effects on the target. Physical, spell, and mind saves represent your character's ability to resist status effects from those categories.
Raw power can be obtained from stats, talents, or equipment. The total accumulated power is then rescaled into an "effective power", which is the number shown on your character sheet. The tooltip for equipment that boost power will also show how much raw power and effective power they will contribute.
Effective power levels are divided into tiers every 20 points. Each point of effective power will cost incrementally more raw power to increase as the tier increases. The relationship between the two is as follows:
- Tier 1: from 0 to 20 effective power, each point costs 1 raw power
- Tier 2: from 20 to 40 effective power, each point costs 2 raw power
- Tier 3: from 40 to 60 effective power, each point costs 3 raw power
- Tier 4: from 60 to 80 effective power, each point costs 4 raw power
- Tier 5: from 80 to 100 effective power, each point costs 5 raw power
- Tier 6: from 100 to 120 effective power, each point costs 6 raw power
...and so on.
The conversion from raw saves to effective saves follows the same relationship above.
The chance that a talent can successfully apply a status effect is determined by comparing the attacker's effective power vs. the defender's effective save. The type of talent involved will determine what type of power the attacker will use, and the type of status effect will determine what type of save the defender will use.
If the attacker's power is in a higher tier than the defender's save, then an additional cross-tier effect will be applied. The type of cross-tier effect applied depends on the type of status effect being inflicted.
For example, consider an Archmage casting Flameshock on a target and trying to inflict the Burning Shock effect. Flameshock is a spell, and Burning Shock is a physical effect, so the chance of this debuff being inflicted will be determined by the spellpower of the Archmage and the physical save of the target. If the spellpower is in a higher tier than the physical save, than the off-balance physical cross-tier effect will also be applied.
The power vs. save comparison follows the same logic as that for accuracy and defense:
- If power and saves are equal, the success chance is 50%
- For each additional point that the attacker/defender has, the success chance will increase/decrease by 2.5%
- The chance to land a debuff is normally capped at 95% for most talents
In other words, attackers can maximize their chance to land a debuff if their power exceeds the defender's save by 18 points. Defenders can immunize themselves to status effects if their save exceeds the attacker's power by 20 points.
Aside from avoiding debuffs, there are several other effects:
- Saves can also reduce the duration of debuffs that have been inflicted. If the defender's save exceeds the attacker's power, then each point of advantage will reduce the debuff duration by 5%. This prevents an attacker's lucky roll on debuffs from having an inordinately large effect in battle.
- Mindsave can reduce mind damage. There would be an mindpower vs mindsave check when mind damage type is dealt. If the save is successful, mind damage will be halved. This is only valid for mind damage type.
See page on fatigue.
Armour and Armour Hardiness
Armour reduces damage from every incoming melee and ranged weapon attack (including unarmed attacks), even if it uses a damage type other than Physical. Armour is applied BEFORE all multipliers and modifiers, to BASE damage, while Damage Reduction is a flat amount applied AFTER, only to the final calculated damage. Armor does not work on physical attacks that are not weapon-based, such as spells, mental attacks, or breath weapons. Note that unarmed attacks are weapon attacks, using gloves/gauntlets or bare hands as the weapons. Skullcracker counts as a weapon attack as well.
There are three values which work together to determine the final outcome:
- Armour, Armour Penetration (APR), and Armour hardiness
So armor reduces the amount of BASE damage by:
min( (Armour - APR), (Hardiness * damage) )
The attacker's APR is subtracted from the target's armour value. Armour hardiness is the maximum percent of each incoming attack that can be absorbed. The primary method of increasing armor hardiness is via the Heavy Armour Training and Light Armour Training talents. Some artifact armors, cloaks, and shields also affect the value.
At 0% hardiness, your armour absorbs no damage at all. At 100% hardiness, your armour absorbs any damage up to the actual armour value. At 50% hardiness, up to 1/2 the damage will be absorbed, but no more than your total armour value.
Damage Reduction
Damage reduction is flat damage that is taken off of every instance of damage you take. It applies AFTER armour and resistances. This means it is very strong against many small hits and weak against a single big hit.
The following talents are sources of flat, unconditional damage reduction:
- The Brawler talent, Striking Stance
- The Avoidance tree talent, Automated cloak tessellation
- The prodigy, Subcutaneous Metallisation
- The artifact, Steam Powered Armour
The following abilities are sources of flat, conditional damage reduction:
- The Mindslayer tree, Absorption
- The Antimagic tree talent, Antimagic Shield
- The Sawbutcher talent, Furnace
Resistance, Resistance Penetration, and Immunity
Immunities give a flat chance to resist an effect. They're a bit like saves, insofar as passing a check makes the effect not happen, but they operate completely independently of physical power, physical save, mindpower, etc. 25% stun immunity is always a flat 25% chance to resist a stun (or any talent that checks stun immunity, such as Freeze), before saves are checked.
Effect Immunities:
- Confusion
- Stun/Freeze
- Fear
- Knockback
- Instadeath
- Disarm
- Poison
- Disease
- Blind
- Silence
An affinity for any type of damage means that a character will healing AFTER they take full damage. So if someone has a 5% darkness affinity and takes 100 pts of darkness damage, they will be healed for 5pt, but only after they take the normal damage. (Affinities are calculated BEFORE any resistances take effect.) This means if they have less than 100 hit points at the time, they will die.
Resistance, Resistance Penetration, and Immunity
Resistances (or "resists") allow a character to reduce a fraction of damage taken based on the type of damage it is. For example, fire resistance decreases the damage taken from any kind of fire damage -- a fire drake's breath, or an archmage's Flame talent, etc. The formula for this is simply damage * (1 - resist%). For instance, 100 damage against 30% resist is 100 * (1 - .3) = 70 damage.
Negative resists occur naturally on some enemy types and can also occur as the result of some artifacts or egos. This causes the target to take more than 100% damage from a hit, using the same formula as usual resistance. For instance, 100 damage against -30% resist is 100 * (1 - -.3) = 130 damage.
"Resist all" is applied independently of single elemental resists. If you have 15% resist all and 20% fire resistance, you will resist 1 - ((1 - 0.15) * (1 - 0.20)) or 32% of all fire damage (in the absence of any fire resistance penetration on your opponent). Resists as displayed on your character sheet include this step.
Resists also have a cap. The standard resistance cap for the player is 70%, which is applied after the 1-(1-a)*(1-b) step shown above. This means that if you have 60% fire resistance and 30% resist all, your combined total resistance would be calculated as 1-(1-0.60)*(1-0.30) = 72%, but then the resistance cap would lower this to 70%. Some equipment or talents may raise the resistance cap for specific elements. In the previous example, if the player wore armor that gave +5% fire resistance cap, then the full 72% would take effect, as that is under the new fire resistance cap of 75%.
Resistance penetration decreases the effective level of your opponent's corresponding resistance multiplicatively. For instance, if your opponent has 30% fire resistance, but you have 10% fire resistance penetration, and you hit your opponent with fire, his effective fire resistance will be reduced to 27%. Resistance penetration cannot cause enemies to take more than 100% damage from a hit. Resistance Penetration is normally capped at 70%.
Resistance Reduction reduces the effective level of your opponent's corresponding resistance additively. For instance, if your opponent has 30% fire resistance and you use a talent that reduces their fire resistance by 20%, they would have 10% fire resistance while under the effect of this talent. However, this can cause enemies to drop into negative resistance. The caveat to this is that it only affects the resistance before all resistance is applied.
Immunities give a flat chance to resist an effect. They're a bit like saves, insofar as passing a check makes the effect not happen, but they operate completely independently of physical power, physical save, mindpower, etc. 25% stun immunity is always a flat 25% chance to resist a stun (or any talent that checks stun immunity, such as Freeze), before saves are checked.
Effect Immunities:
- Confusion
- Stun/Freeze
- Fear
- Knockback
- Instadeath
- Disarm
- Poison
- Disease
- Blind
- Silence
See page on affinity.